Integrate External Systems to Kafka

Confluent Cloud offers pre-built, fully managed, Kafka Connectors that make it easy to instantly connect to popular data sources and sinks. With a simple GUI-based configuration and elastic scaling with no infrastructure to manage, Confluent Cloud Connectors make moving data in and out of Kafka an effortless task, giving you more time to focus on app development.

Source Connector
A source connector, such as the Microsoft SQL Server Source Connector, ingests entire databases and streams table updates to Kafka topics. It can also collect metrics from all of your application servers and store these in Kafka topics, making the data available for stream processing with low latency.
Sink Connector
A sink connector delivers data from Kafka topics into secondary indexes, such as Google BigQuery or batch systems like Amazon S3, for offline analysis.

Cloud Platforms Support

The following table shows the cloud platforms supported by each Confluent Cloud connector.

Cloud Connector AWS Azure GCP
Amazon Kinesis Source Connector Yes Yes Yes
Amazon Redshift Sink Connector Yes No No
Amazon S3 Sink Connector Yes No No
AWS Lambda Sink Connector Yes No No
Azure Blob Storage Sink Connector No Yes No
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Sink Connector No Yes No
Azure Event Hubs Source Connector Yes Yes Yes
Azure Functions Sink Connector Yes Yes Yes
Datagen Source Connector Yes Yes Yes
Elasticsearch Service Sink Connector Yes Yes Yes
Google BigQuery Sink Connector No No Yes
Google Cloud Dataproc Sink Connector No No Yes
Google Cloud Functions Sink Connector No No Yes
Google Cloud Spanner Sink Connector No No Yes
Google Cloud Storage Sink Connector No No Yes
Google Pub/Sub Source Connector Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft SQL Server Sink Connector Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft SQL Server Source CDC Connector (Debezium) Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft SQL Server Source Connector Yes Yes Yes
MongoDB Atlas Sink Connector Yes Yes Yes
MongoDB Atlas Source Connector Yes Yes Yes
MySQL Source CDC Connector (Debezium) Yes Yes Yes
MySQL Sink Connector Yes Yes Yes
MySQL Source Connector Yes Yes Yes
Oracle Database Source Connector Yes Yes Yes
PostgreSQL CDC Source Connector (Debezium) Yes Yes Yes
PostgreSQL Sink Connector Yes Yes Yes
PostgreSQL Source Connector Yes Yes Yes
Salesforce CDC Source Connector Yes Yes Yes
Snowflake Sink Connector Yes Yes Yes

Confluent Cloud API for Connectors

You can manage your full-service connector using the Confluent Cloud API. For details, see the Confluent Cloud API documentation.

Internet Access to Resources

Consider the following scenarios when determining the public Internet access configuration for resources that managed connectors must access. For full Confluent Cloud networking details, see Networking in Confluent Cloud.

VPC peering + AWS Transit Gateway
Dedicated clusters with VPC peering or AWS Transit Gateway access have a limited range of IP addresses (for example, a /16 CIDR block specified at cluster creation). Connectors launched in these clusters originate connections from the limited IP range configured. A customer could allow connections to their database from the /16 IP range instead of
AWS PrivateLink
Connectors launched in clusters using AWS PrivateLink must originate connections over the Internet. These connections can come from anywhere in the cloud provider’s IP range. This is because AWS PrivateLink is a one-way connection. That is, the customer can connect to Confluent Cloud using AWS PrivateLink, but Confluent Cloud cannot access the customer network (over AWS PrivateLink). A customer could allow connections to their database from the set of cloud provider IP ranges. This may be too open for many customers, but is much less open than
Internet-facing clusters
Connectors launched in clusters with Internet endpoints originate connections over the Internet from anywhere in the cloud provider’s IP range. A customer could allow connections to their database from the set of cloud provider IP ranges. This may be too open for many customers, but is much less open than

Service Accounts

For information about setting up service accounts, see Service Accounts.

Confluent Cloud Dead Letter Queue

For information about accessing and using the Dead Letter Queue, see Dead Letter Queue.

Connector Limitations

To view a list of connector limitations, see Limitations.

Confluent Cloud Connect Preview

For a description of the Confluent Cloud Connect preview program, see Confluent Cloud Connect Preview.