AppDynamics Metrics Sink Connector Configuration Properties

To use this connector, specify the name of the connector class in the connector.class configuration property.


Connector-specific configuration properties are described below.


The AppDynamics machine agent host.

  • Type: string
  • Importance: high

The AppDynamics machine agent port.

  • Type: int
  • Valid Values: [1,…,65535]
  • Importance: high

Error handling behavior setting. Must be configured to one of the following:


Stops the connector when an error occurs while preparing metrics from Kafka records.


Continues to process next set of records. when an error occurs while preparing metrics from Kafka records.


Logs the error message when an error occurs while preparing metrics from Kafka records and continues to process next set of records, available in ${connector-name}-error topic.

  • Type: string
  • Default: fail
  • Valid Values: one of [log, ignore, fail]
  • Importance: medium

The maximum time up to which connector client will try creating API requests. The minimum recommended value is 5 seconds.

  • Type: int
  • Default: 10000
  • Valid Values: [5000,…]
  • Importance: low

Connect Reporter

Proxy Connection


AppDynamics Proxy settings encoded in URL syntax. Use this property only if you need to access AppDynamics through a proxy.

  • Type: string
  • Default: null
  • Importance: low

AppDynamics Proxy User. Use this property only if you need to access AppDynamics through a proxy. Using appdynamics.proxy.user instead of embedding the username and password in appdynamics.proxy.url allows the password to be hidden in the logs.

  • Type: string
  • Default: null
  • Importance: low

AppDynamics Proxy Password. Use this property only if you need to access AppDynamics through a proxy. Using appdynamics.proxy.password instead of embedding the username and password in appdynamics.proxy.url allows the password to be hidden in the logs.

  • Type: password
  • Default: null
  • Importance: low

Confluent Platform license


Confluent will issue a license key to each subscriber. The license key will be a short snippet of text that you can copy and paste. Without the license key, you can use the connector for a 30-day trial period. If you are a subscriber, please contact Confluent Support for more information.

  • Type: string
  • Default: “”
  • Valid Values: Confluent Platform license
  • Importance: high

A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster used for licensing. All servers in the cluster will be discovered from the initial connection. This list should be in the form host1:port1,host2:port2,.... These servers are used only for the initial connection to discover the full cluster membership, which may change dynamically, so this list need not contain the full set of servers. You may want more than one, in case a server is down.

  • Type: list
  • Importance: high

Name of the Kafka topic used for Confluent Platform configuration, including licensing information.

  • Type: string
  • Default: _confluent-command
  • Importance: low

The replication factor for the Kafka topic used for Confluent Platform configuration, including licensing information. This is used only if the topic does not already exist, and the default of 3 is appropriate for production use. If you are using a development environment with less than 3 brokers, you must set this to the number of brokers (often 1).

  • Type: int
  • Default: 3
  • Importance: low

Confluent license properties