
Version 11.0.0

  • PR-479 - CC-13030: Fix common codec and snakeyaml CVEs
  • PR-475 - CC-8546: Add Kerberos support (#475)
  • PR-472 - CC-12825: Remove config
  • PR-470 - CC-12597: Remove config
  • PR-468 - CC-12445: Replace the JestClient with the ElasticsearchRestClient and remove config
  • PR-456 - CC-10923: Add reasonable validators for configs

Version 10.0.2

  • PR-452 - Support retry_on_conflict parameter. Fixes #374
  • PR-449 - CC-12129: Catch resource_already_exists_exception when creating indices

Version 10.0.1

  • PR-448 - CC-12066: Fix flaky test BulkProcessorTest::farmerTaskPropogatesException
  • PR-447 - CC-11969: Do not report successful records in failed batches
  • PR-446 - CC-11959: BulkProcessor does not empty internal record map correctly
  • PR-445 - MINOR: Clean up and add getters to config

Version 10.0.0

  • PR-441 - Update and pin version of confluent common to 6.0.0
  • PR-440 - CC-11857: Add release maven plugin and prepare 10.0 release
  • PR-435 - CC-9455: Address SslFactory backwards/forwards compatibility
  • PR-433 - SEC-1307: Backport “log4j replacement with confluent repackaged version”
  • PR-430 - MINOR: Fix error reporter to catch NoSuchMethodFoundError as well
  • PR-428 - CC-4774: Check for unexpected data types in response from server
  • PR-421 - CC-7635: Implement DLQ reporter for malformed doc records
  • PR-413 - CC-9373: Skip only exceptions during conversion when drop.invalid.message is true
  • PR-412 - CC-9347: Inspect interrupted state before next attempt
  • PR-411 - CC-9261: Call get() on futures so exceptions are properly handled
  • PR-410 - CC-9314: Allow disabling hostname verification
  • PR-373 - CC-7644: Add support for http(s) proxy
  • PR-390 - Add configuration for Max connection idle time to prevent read timeout
  • PR-388 - Make behavior.on.malformed.documents also cover action_request_validation_exception

Version 5.5.3

  • PR-467 - MINOR: Add integration tests for upsert
  • PR-466 - MINOR: Adding a null check when validating list of urls
  • PR-462 - CC-10923: Add reasonable validators for number configs
  • PR-454 - CC-12447: Add comprehensive integration tests to elasticsearch connector
  • PR-457 - CC-12452: Add config combination validators
  • PR-455 - CC-12530: Do not throw exception on flush after task close
  • PR-452 - Support retry_on_conflict parameter. Fixes #374
  • PR-449 - CC-12129: Catch resource_already_exists_exception when creating indices

Version 5.5.2

  • PR-435 - CC-9455: Address SslFactory backwards/forwards compatibility
  • PR-428 - CC-4774: Check for unexpected data types in response from the server

Version 5.5.1

  • PR-413 - CC-9373: Skip only exceptions during conversion when drop.invalid.message is true
  • PR-412 - CC-9347: Inspect interrupted state before next attempt
  • PR-411 - CC-9261: Call get() on futures so that we properly handle exceptions
  • PR-410 - CC-9314: Allow disabling hostname verification

Version 5.5.0

  • PR-398 - CC-8284: Log errors during index exist check at info level
  • PR-377 - Add retries for create index
  • PR-361 - CC-7147: Set the max connection per route config for client
  • PR-220 - CC-7146: Introduce an option to control HTTP-level compression

Version 5.4.3

  • PR-435 - CC-9455: address SslFactory backwards/forwards compatibility
  • PR-428 - CC-4774: Check for unexpected data types in response from server
  • PR-413 - CC-9373: Skip only exceptions during conversion when drop.invalid.message is true
  • PR-412 - CC-9347: Inspect interrupted state before next attempt
  • PR-411 - CC-9261: Call get() on futures so exceptions are properly handled
  • PR-410 - CC-9314: Allow disabling hostname verification

Version 5.4.2

  • PR-398 - CC-8284: Log errors during index exist check at info level

Version 5.4.1

  • PR-377 - Add retries for create index
  • PR-361 - CC-7147: Set the max connection per route config for client

Version 5.4.0

  • PR-364 - CC-7367: Add a lot more logging
  • PR-324 - CC-5605: Log version conflicts as warnings

Version 5.3.4

  • PR-435 - CC-9455: Address SslFactory backwards/forwards compatibility
  • PR-428 - CC-4774: Check for unexpected data types in response from server
  • PR-413 - CC-9373: Skip only exceptions during conversion when drop.invalid.message is true
  • PR-412 - CC-9347: Inspect interrupted state before next attempt
  • PR-411 - CC-9261: Call get() on futures so exceptions are properly handled
  • PR-410 - CC-9314: Allow disabling hostname verification
  • PR-398 - CC-8284: Log errors during index exist check at info level

Version 5.3.3

  • PR-377 - Add retries for create index
  • PR-361 - CC-7147: Set the max connection per route config for client

Version 5.3.2

  • PR-135 - CC-6599: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.lang.Long while setting default date value (Github issue #134)
  • PR-340 - CC-6187: Improve throughput by skipping index-exists check

Version 5.3.1

  • PR-327 - Enable Elasticsearch 7 support

Version 5.3.0

  • PR-312 - CC-4788: Added configuration to specify security protocol when connecting to Elasticsearch
  • PR-305 - SEC-168: Exclude jackson-core from packaging
  • PR-302 - CC-4054: Remove the use of null_value (default values) for text and binary based fields
  • PR-239 - Support for document upsert

Version 5.2.4

  • PR-398 - CC-8284: Log errors during index exist check at info level
  • PR-361 - CC-7147: Set the max connection per route config for client
  • PR-364 - CC-7367: Add a lot more logging
  • PR-135 - CC-6599: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.lang.Long while setting default date value (Github issue #134)

Version 5.2.3

  • PR-335 - MINOR: Upgrade Mockito to work on Java 11
  • PR-327 - Enable Elasticsearch 7 support with adding minimum Integration test (based on TestContainer)
  • PR-324 - CC-5605: Log version conflicts as warnings
  • PR-312 - CC-4788: Added

Version 5.2.2

  • PR-305 - SEC-168: Exclude jackson-core from packaging
  • PR-302 - CC-4054: Remove the use of null_value (default values) for text and binary based fields

Version 5.2.1

No changes

Version 5.2.0

  • PR-291 - MINOR: Give docker URI to deploy statements
  • PR-289 - Limit integration test to run only with “jenkins” mvn profile
  • PR-281 - CC-3863 Integration test for HTTPS connection on Docker
  • PR-275 - Disable index creation at bootstrap time
  • PR-278 - Add HTTPS support to Elasticsearch connector

Version 5.1.4

  • PR-135 - CC-6599: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.lang.Long while setting default date value (Github issue #134)
  • PR-327 - Enable Elasticsearch 7 support with adding minimum Integration test (based on TestContainer)

Version 5.1.3

  • PR-302 - CC-4054: Remove the use of null_value (default values) for text and binary based fields
  • PR-301 - MINOR: Fix checkstyle error

Version 5.1.2

  • PR-280 - Add “the License” ref

Version 5.1.1

No changes

Version 5.1.0

  • PR-251 - Fix bug when topic names are not in all lowercase
  • PR-255 - CC-3034: Disabled the ES JarHell utility since it considered module-info files as duplicates

Version 5.0.4

  • PR-135 - CC-6599: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.lang.Long while setting default date value (Github issue #134)
  • PR-327 - Enable Elasticsearch 7 support with adding minimum Integration test (based on TestContainer)
  • PR-302 - CC-4054: Remove the use of null_value (default values) for text and binary based fields

Version 5.0.3

No changes

Version 5.0.2

No changes

Version 5.0.1

No changes

Version 5.0.0

  • PR-217 - MINOR: Use correct config type for recently added password field
  • PR-215 - CC-374 Support basic auth with secure Elasticsearch
  • PR-216 - CC-2037 Support keyword subfields for text types
  • PR-194 - Fixed typo in retry delays example

Version 4.1.4

  • PR-135 - CC-6599: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.lang.Long while setting default date value (Github issue #134)
  • PR-302 - CC-4054: Remove the use of null_value (default values) for text and binary based fields

Version 4.1.3

No changes

Version 4.1.2

No changes

Version 4.1.1

No changes

Version 4.1.0

  • PR-182 - Add 2.x to supported versions
  • PR-177 - CC-1550: Clarify ES 6 compatibility
  • PR-148 - Add config that allows Elasticsearch mapper parsing errors to be ignored
  • PR-174 - CC-1491: Remove note about unsupported ES6 from ES quick start
  • PR-169 - CC-1385: Enhance connector to use text type with ES 5+
  • PR-165 - CC-350, CC-1097: Added support for delete and null handling
  • PR-158 - CC-1372: Add configuration options for read and connect timeouts
  • PR-151 - CC-190: Deprecate the configuration option

Version 4.0.3

No changes

Version 4.0.2

No changes

Version 4.0.1

  • PR-182 - Add ES 2.x to supported versions
  • PR-169 - CC-1385: Enhance connector to use text type with ES 5+
  • PR-165 - CC-350, CC-1097: Added support for delete and null handling
  • PR-158 - CC-1372: Add configuration options for read and connect timeouts

Version 4.0.0

  • PR-122 - Add argLine to surefire override configuration so we maintain the Jenkins features of the common pom
  • PR-91 - Drop invalid messages if needed
  • PR-88 - Inherit from common pom

Version 3.3.3

No changes

Version 3.3.2

No changes

Version 3.3.1

  • PR-126 - CC-1191: Added feature flag to control string-keyed map entry JSON serialization
  • PR-120 - Add upstream project so build are triggered automatically
  • PR-117 - CC-1096 Added ES error message when unable to create an index
  • PR-116 - CC-1059 Changed ES connector to use exponential backoff with jitter
  • PR-105 - Update quickstart to use Confluent CLI

Version 3.3.0

  • PR-69 - Fix map output for String keyed maps
  • PR-83 - ST-336: Move slf4j-simple into test scope so it is not pulled into the packaged version

Version 3.2.4

No changes

Version 3.2.3

No changes

Version 3.2.2

  • PR-89 - Increase flush timeout in BulkProcessorTest to make the test more reliable when the test server has other CPU load

Version 3.2.1

No changes

Version 3.2.0

  • PR-34 - CC-331: update config options docs
  • PR-47 - Allow for multiple Elasticsearch HTTP URLs
  • PR-53 - CC-392: Fix mapping existence check
  • PR-54 - CC-393: don’t use offset as document version when key.ignore=true
  • PR-49 - Schema.Type.BYTES should map to ‘binary’ ES datatype

Version 3.1.2

No changes

Version 3.1.1

No changes

Version 3.1.0

Initial version