
Version 2.2.1

  • CCMSG-827: Resolve Google protobuf-java 2.5.0 CVE

Version 2.2.0

  • CCMSG-517: Upgrade storage-common to 10.0.4 and jackson databind to

Version 2.1.6

  • Update connect plugins common to 0.5.6

Version 2.1.5

SFTP Source Connector

  • CC-11703: Added support for Kerberos authentication to the SFTP server

Version 2.1.4

SFTP Source Connector

  • CC-12595: Added improvements for the SFTP connection to recover if the SFTP server is temporarily unavailable

Version 2.1.3

  • Addressed several CVE’s, internal dependency upgrades

Version 2.1.2

  • Addressed several CVE’s for Jackson, Jetty, Guava, Netty, and Beanutils

Version 2.1.1

SFTP Source Connector

  • CC-11402: Major improvements in performance as file count increases in input.path

Version 2.1.0

SFTP Source Connector

  • Added support for pemfile configuration tls.pemfile

SFTP Sink Connector

  • Added support for pemfile configuration tls.pemfile

Version 2.0.3

  • Update connect plugins common to 0.5.5

Version 2.0.2

  • Update parent to 0.5.4 corresponding to CP 5.5.2 and fix CVEs
  • Address CVE’s for Jackson, Jetty, Guava, Netty, and Beanutils

Version 2.0.1

SFTP Source Connector

  • CC-11244: Major improvements for in-memory filepath storage
  • CC-9754: Added timezone configuration validation
  • CC-9012: Fixed incorrect schema message logging

Version 2.0.0

SFTP Source Connector

  • CC-8949: Fixed CsvSourceConnector to fill record.key on configured key.schema
  • CC-8931: Fixed SFTP Connector schema.generation.enabled flag config to be respected


The schema.generation.enabled=true configuration has previously been disregarded for the CSV source connector. This fix will ensure that the schemas specified in key.schema and value.schema are properly used to build the record keys and values. In some deployments this fix might introduce a breaking change in record schemas and this should be taken into account before upgrading to this major version.

Version 1.1.0

SFTP Sink Connector

  • Added support for mutual TLS/SSL to SFTP Source and Sink connectors
  • CC-8809: Replaced assignment with topicPartitionWriters.keySet

SFTP Source Connector

  • Added support for mutual TLS/SSL to SFTP Source and Sink connectors
  • CC-8367: Fixed SFTP Source connector not ignoring error.path and finished.path sub-folders
  • CC-8123: Fixed race condition when deleting/re-creating a connector (using cleanup.policy MOVE or DELETE)

Version 1.0.4

SFTP Source Connector

  • CC-8121 and CC-8122: Fixed closing the SFTP connection
  • CC-8096: Fixed closing the output stream after file writes

Version 1.0.3

  • MINOR: Fixed Javadocs in order to run Connect release job

SFTP Source Connector

  • CC-8065: Fixed NPE for performing and closing cleanup policies

Version 1.0.2

  • CC-7395: Release SFTP Sink and Source connectors in PA

Version 1.0.1-preview

SFTP Source Connector

  • Bug fixes related to the SFTP connection channel and schema updates

Version 1.0.0-preview

SFTP Sink Connector

  • SFTP Sink connector implementation

SFTP Source Connector

  • SFTP Source connector implementation
  • Added support summary to prepare for release
  • SFTP source: Added Schema evaluation and behavior.on.error config