Configure Networking with Confluent Operator

This document describes configuration options in Confluent Operator to access Kafka and other Confluent Platform components.

The examples in this guide use the following assumptions:

  • $VALUES_FILE refers to the configuration file you set up in Create the global configuration file.

  • To present simple and clear examples in the Operator documentation, all the configuration parameters are specified in the config file ($VALUES_FILE). However, in your production deployments, use the --set or --set-file option when applying sensitive data with Helm. For example:

    helm upgrade --install kafka \
     --set"cn=mds\,dc=test\,dc=com" \
     --set”Developer!” \
     --set kafka.enabled=true
  • operator is the namespace that Confluent Platform is deployed in.

  • All commands are executed in the helm directory under the directory Confluent Operator was downloaded to.

Configure access to Kafka

External access to Kafka

For external clients to connect to Kafka, you must configure Kafka with one of the following methods:

  • Load balancers: Clients connect to Kafka using cloud provider’s load balancer.
  • Node ports: Clients connect to Kafka at specified static ports (the NodePort) on the Kubernetes worker node (or via customer-managed networking infrastructure that can forward traffic to those ports).
  • Static port-based routing: Kubernetes Ingress controller manages clients’ connection to Kafka using port-based routing.
  • Static host-based routing: Kubernetes Ingress controller manages clients’ connection to Kafka using host-based routing.

You can enable only one of the above methods with Operator in a Kafka deployment, and once you enable external access using one of the methods, you cannot change to another external access method.

External access to Kafka using load balancers

When a client accesses a Kafka cluster, it first connects to the bootstrap server to get the metadata list of all the brokers in the cluster. Then the client figures the address of the broker it is interested in and connects directly to the broker to produce or consume data. When configured to use load balancers, Operator creates a load balancer for each broker in addition to a load balancer for the bootstrap server. For the N number of Kafka brokers, Operator creates N+1 number of load balancer services:

  • One as the bootstrap service for the initial connection and for receiving the metadata about the Kafka cluster.
  • Another N services, one for each broker, address the brokers directly.


When you configure an external load balancer, it is good practice to protect the endpoints using TLS.

To configure external load balancers for Kafka, perform the following steps:

  1. Configure and deploy Kafka with the following parameters in the configuration file ($VALUES_FILE):

        enabled: true          ----- [1]
        type:                  ----- [2]
        domain:                ----- [3]
        bootstrapPrefix:       ----- [4]
        brokerPrefix:          ----- [5]
        annotations:           ----- [6]
    • [1] Set enabled: true to enable load balancers.

    • [2] Optional. Set type: external or omit it for an external load balancer. The load balancer defaults to external load balancers.

    • [3] Required. Set domain to the domain where your cluster is running.

    • [4] Optional. Use bootstrapPrefix to change the default Kafka bootstrap load balancer prefix. The default bootstrap prefix is the Kafka component name (kafka).

      The value is used for the DNS entry in your domain. The bootstrap DNS name becomes <bootstrapPrefix>.<domain>.

      If not set, the default Kafka bootstrap DNS names is kafka.<domain>.

      As part of your network plan, you may want to change the default prefixes for each component to avoid DNS conflicts when running multiple Kafka clusters.

    • [5] Optional. Use brokerPrefix: to change the default Kafka load balancer prefixes. The default Kafka broker prefix is b.

      These are used for DNS entries in your domain. The broker DNS names become <brokerPrefix>0.<domain>, <brokerPrefix>1.<domain>, etc.

      If not set, the default broker DNS names are b0.<domain>, b1.<domain>, etc.

      As part of your network plan, you may want to change the default prefixes for each component to avoid DNS conflicts when running multiple Kafka clusters.

    • [6] Optional. Use annotations: to add application-specific or provider-specific settings.

      For information about Kubernetes load balancer annotations for AWS, see Load Balancers.

    Following is an example section of the configuration file ($VALUES_FILE) to create external load balancers for Kafka:

        enabled: true
        bootstrapPrefix: kafka-lb
        brokerPrefix: kafka-broker
  2. Add DNS entries for Kafka bootstrap server and brokers.

    Once the external load balancers are created, you add a DNS entry associated with the public IP for each Kafka broker load balancer and the Kafka bootstrap load balancer to your DNS table (or whatever method you use to get DNS entries recognized by your provider environment).


    To avoid DNS conflicts when you add multiple clusters to one domain, change the default prefixes for each component.

    You need the following to derive Kafka DNS entries:

    • domain ([2]) name you provided in the configuration file ($VALUES_FILE) in Step #1.

    • The external IP of the Kafka load balancers

      You can retrieve the external IP using the following command:

      kubectl get services -n <namespace>
    • Kafka bootstrap prefix and broker prefix

    The following shows the DNS table entries you add, using:

    • Domain:
    • Three broker replicas with the default prefix/replica numbers: b0, b1, b2
    • The Kafka bootstrap prefix: kafka
    DNS name                           Internal IP             External IP        

External access to Kafka using NodePort services

When you configure Operator with the NodePort to expose Kafka to external clients, Kubernetes allocates a different port on each node of the Kafka bootstrap server and brokers. A request on a specific port gets forwarded to the bootstrap server or a broker that the port is configured for.

When you configure Operator to expose Kafka to external clients via NodePorts, Kubernetes allocates a unique port for the Kafka bootstrap server and each individual Kafka broker. Each Kafka broker and the bootstrap server is accessible on a separate port.

For a Kafka cluster with N brokers, N+1 NodePort services are created:

  • One for the bootstrap server for the initial connection
  • N services, one for each broker, for subsequent direct connections to the brokers

For a RBAC-enabled Kafka cluster with N brokers, (N+1)*2 NodePort services are created:

  • One for the bootstrap server for the initial connection
  • One for the MDS on the bootstrap server
  • N services, one for each broker, for subsequent direction connections the brokers
  • N services, one for MDS on each broker

All traffic to the ports is routed to the Kafka pods as below. portOffset is the starting port number you configure in Kafka.

  • The bootstrap endpoint is:

  • For the Nth broker replica, the external advertised endpoint is:

    <host>:<portOffset + N*2>
  • If RBAC is enabled, the MDS bootstrap endpoint is:

    <host>:<portOffset + 1>
  • If RBAC is enabled, the MDS advertised listener endpoint for the Nth broker is:

    <host>:<portOffset + 1 + N*2>

To use NodePort services for external communication to Kafka, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a DNS record using the address of one or more of the nodes in your Kubernetes cluster.

  2. Configure and deploy Kafka with node ports:

        enabled: true            ----- [1]
        host:                    ----- [2]
        portOffset:              ----- [3]
        annotations: {}          ----- [4]
    • [1] Set enabled: true to enable NodePort-based external access.

    • [2] Required. In host, provide the host name of the DNS record you created in Step #1.

    • [3] Required. Provide the first node port, portOffset. Kafka bootstrap service gets the portOffset port. Kafka brokers get assigned to a port, portOffet+2, portOffset+4, so on to portOffet+2*N for the Nth broker.

      If RBAC is enabled, the MDS port for the bootstrap service is portOffset+1, and the MDS port for the Nth broker is portOffset+1+N*2.

      Take into consideration how many ports Kafka needs when you select the portOffset as the ports need to fall within the configured Kubernetes node port range.

      If a node port number is in use, the Kafka service creation fails.

    • [4] Optional annotations you provide will be added to all NodePort services that Confluent Operator creates for this Kafka cluster.

  3. Create firewall rules to allow connections at the NodePort range that you plan to use. To create firewall rules, see Using firewall rules.

  4. To verify the NodePort services are correctly created, list the services for Kafka in the namespace using the following command:

    kubectl get services -n <namespace>

    The list of Kafka services resembles the following. The example uses the portOffset of 31000.

    NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)
    kafka                  ClusterIP   None           <none>        9071/TCP,9072/TCP,9092/TCP,7203/TCP,7777/TCP
    kafka-0-internal       ClusterIP   <none>        9071/TCP,9072/TCP,9092/TCP,7203/TCP,7777/TCP
    kafka-0-np             NodePort     <none>        9092:31002/TCP
    kafka-1-internal       ClusterIP     <none>        9071/TCP,9072/TCP,9092/TCP,7203/TCP,7777/TCP
    kafka-1-np             NodePort     <none>        9092:31004/TCP
    kafka-2-internal       ClusterIP      <none>        9071/TCP,9072/TCP,9092/TCP,7203/TCP,7777/TCP
    kafka-2-np             NodePort    <none>        9092:31006/TCP
    kafka-bootstrap-np     NodePort    <none>        9092:31000/TCP

External access to Kafka with static port-based routing

Kubernetes Ingress only supports HTTP-based services whereas Kafka is TCP-based. However, there are Ingress controller implementations in the ecosystem, such as the NGINX Ingress Controller, that support non-HTTP-based services like Kafka. You can use one of those Ingress controllers to enable external access to Kafka over HTTP.

To expose Kafka with RBAC enabled, see Static port-based routing and RBAC.

To configure external access to Kafka using static port-based routing, perform the following steps:

  1. Deploy Kafka with the staticForPortBasedRouting external access type:

        enabled: true            ----- [1]
        host:                    ----- [2]
        portOffset:              ----- [3]
    • [1] Set to enabled: true to enable static port-based routing.

    • [2] Required. For host, provide the host name you want to use. You will use this host name and the external IP address of the Ingress controller to set up a DNS record for Kafka later in this workflow.

    • [3] Required. PortOffset is the starting port number and should be greater than 9092.

      Kafka bootstrap server is assigned to the portOffset port. Kafka brokers get assigned to a port, portOffet+2, portOffset+4, so on to portOffet+2*N for the Nth broker.

      If RBAC is enabled, the MDS port for the bootstrap service is portOffset+1, and the MDS port for the Nth broker is portOffset+1+N*2.

  2. Create a bootstrap service of the ClusterIP type.

    For example:

    1. Create the bootstrap.yaml file with the following:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: kafka-bootstrap
        namespace: operator
          app: kafka-bootstrap
          - name: external
            port: 9092
            protocol: TCP
            targetPort: 9092
        type: ClusterIP
    2. Run the following command to create a bootstrap service with the above settings:

      kubectl apply -f bootstrap.yaml -n <namespace>
  3. Deploy an Ingress controller, such as ingress-nginx. For a list of available controllers, see Ingress controllers.

    Specify the mappings between the TCP port and the Kafka service as shown in the example command below. Each broker and the bootstrap server should be mapped to the TCP port based on the port offset you selected in Step #1. Use the following command to see the Kafka clusterIP services and the ports:

    kubectl get services -n <namespace>

    The following example is a Helm command to install NGINX Ingress controller, mapping the ports, 9093, 9095, 9097, and 9099, to Kafka services and service ports (one bootstrap server and three brokers).

    helm install <release name>  stable/nginx-ingress -n <namespace> \
      --set controller.ingressClass=kafka \
      --set tcp.9093="operator/kafka-bootstrap:9092" \
      --set tcp.9095="operator/kafka-0-internal:9092" \
      --set tcp.9097="operator/kafka-1-internal:9099" \
      --set tcp.9099="operator/kafka-2-internal:9092"
  4. Verify that the Ingress controller is correctly configured. Refer to your specific Ingress controller documentation for details.

    For NGINX, run the following command to get the configmap name and to verify the configmap that the Ingress controller created:

    kubectl get configmap -n <namespace>
    kubectl describe configmap <configmap name> -n <namespace>

    The output should have the namespace name, Kafka broker service name, and the port as in the above Helm command. For example, operator/kafka-bootstrap:9093.

  5. Create an Ingress resource that includes a collection of rules the Ingress controller uses to route the inbound traffic to Kafka.

    Ingress uses annotations to configure some options depending on the Ingress controller, an example of which is the rewrite-target annotation. Review the documentation for your Ingress controller to learn which annotations are supported.

    For detail on deploying the NGINX controller and configuring an Ingress resource, refer to this tutorial.

    For example:

    1. Create ingress-resource.yaml with the following content for an Ingress resource for NGINX Ingress controller to expose a Kafka bootstrap server and three brokers:

      kind: Ingress
        name: <Ingress resource>
          - host:
                - path:
                    serviceName: kafka-bootstrap
                    servicePort: 9092
                - path:
                    serviceName: kafka-0-internal
                    servicePort: 9092
                - path:
                    serviceName: kafka-1-internal
                    servicePort: 9092
                - path:
                    serviceName: kafka-0-internal
                    servicePort: 9092
    2. Run the following command to create a Ingress resource with the above settings:

      kubectl apply -f ingress-service.yaml -n <namespace>
  6. Create a DNS record with the host name you provided in Step #1 for Kafka and the external load balancer IP of the Ingress controller.

    You can retrieve the external IP using the following command:

    kubectl get services -n <namespace>

External access to Kafka using static host-based routing

Kubernetes Ingress only supports HTTP-based services whereas Kafka is TCP-based. However, there are Ingress controller implementations in the ecosystem, such as the NGINX Ingress Controller, that support non-HTTP-based services like Kafka. You can use one of those Ingress controllers to enable external access to Kafka over HTTP.

To expose Kafka with RBAC enabled, see Static host-based routing and RBAC.

To configure external access to Kafka using static host-based routing, perform the following steps:

  1. Configure and deploy Kafka with TLS mode and the staticForHostBasedRouting access type.

        enabled: true          ----- [1]
        domain:                ----- [2]
        bootstrapPrefix:       ----- [3]
        brokerPrefix:          ----- [4]
        port:                  ----- [5]
        enabled: true          ----- [6]
    • [1] Set enabled: true to enable static host-based routing.

    • [2] Required. Provide the domain name of your cluster.

    • [3] Optional. Use bootstrapPrefix to change the default Kafka bootstrap prefix. The default bootstrap prefix is the Kafka component name (kafka).

      The value is used for the DNS entry in your domain. The bootstrap DNS name becomes <bootstrapPrefix>.<domain>.

      If not set, the default Kafka bootstrap DNS names is kafka.<domain>.

      As part of your network plan, you may want to change the default prefixes for each component to avoid DNS conflicts when running multiple Kafka clusters.

    • [4] Optional. Use brokerPrefix to change the default Kafka broker prefixes.

      The default Kafka broker prefix is b.

      These are used for DNS entries in your domain. The broker DNS names become <brokerPrefix>0.<domain>, <brokerPrefix>1.<domain>, etc.

      If not set, the default broker DNS names are b0.<domain>, b1.<domain>, etc.

    • [5] port is required. You can specify the default TLS port of 443.

    • [6] Set enabled: true to configure Kafka with TLS encryption. Operator uses the TLS passthrough functionality, and you must enable TLS encryption when exposing Kafka using static host-based routing.

  2. Create a bootstrap service of the ClusterIP type.

    For example:

    1. Create an YAML file, bootstrap.yaml, with the following:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: kafka-bootstrap
        namespace: operator
          app: kafka-bootstrap
          - name: external
            port: 9092
            protocol: TCP
            targetPort: 9092
        type: ClusterIP
    2. Run the following command to create the bootstrap service with the above settings:

      kubectl apply -f bootstrap.yaml -n <namespace>
  3. Deploy an Ingress controller, such as ingress-nginx. For a list of available controllers, see Ingress controllers.

    Your Ingress controller must support SSL passthrough that intercepts all traffic on the configured HTTPS port (default: 443) and handing it over to a Kafka TCP proxy.

    The following example is a Helm command to install NGINX Ingress controller with SSL passthrough enabled:

    helm upgrade --install <release name> stable/nginx-ingress \
      --set rbac.create=true \
      --set controller.publishService.enabled=true \
      --set controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough="true"
  4. Create an Ingress resource that includes a collection of rules that the Ingress control uses to route the inbound traffic to Kafka.

    The hosts should be resolved to the external IP of the Ingress load balancer as set in the previous DNS setup.

    For detail on deploying the NGINX controller and configuring an Ingress resource, refer to this tutorial.

    For example:

    1. Create ingress-resource.yaml with the following content for an Ingress resource for NGINX Ingress controller to expose a Kafka bootstrap server and three brokers. The domain name is and bootstrap prefix/brokerPrefix/port are set with the default values. The rules apply to the Kafka brokers and bootstrap server hosts specified.

      apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
      kind: Ingress
        name: <ingress service name>
 "true" ---[1]
 "false"   ---[2]
 HTTPS ---[3]
 "true"       ---[4]
 nginx                  ---[5]
          - hosts:
          - host:
                - backend:
                    serviceName: kafka-bootstrap
                    servicePort: 9092
          - host:
                - backend:
                    serviceName: kafka-0-internal
                    servicePort: 9092
          - host:
                - backend:
                    serviceName: kafka-1-internal
                    servicePort: 9092
          - host:
                - backend:
                    serviceName: kafka-2-internal
                    servicePort: 9092
      • Annotation [1] instructs the controller to send TLS connections directly to the backend instead of letting NGINX decrypt the communication.
      • Annotation [2] disables the default value.
      • Annotation [3] indicates how NGINX should communicate with the backend service.
      • Annotation [4] ssl-passthrough is required.
      • Annotation [5] uses the NGINX controller.
    2. Run the following command to create an Ingress resource with the above settings:

      kubectl apply -f Ingress-resource.yaml -n <namespace>
  5. Configure the DNS addresses for Kafka bootstrap and brokers to point to the Ingress controller. You need the following to derive Kafka DNS entries:

    • domain ([2]) name you provided in the configuration file ($VALUES_FILE) in Step #1.

    • The external IP of the Ingress controller load balancer

      You can retrieve the external IP using the following command:

      kubectl get services -n <namespace>
    • Kafka bootstrap prefix and broker prefix

    The following shows the DNS table entries you add, using:

    • Domain:
    • Three broker replicas with the default prefix/replica numbers: b0, b1, b2
    • The Kafka bootstrap prefix: kafka
    DNS name                         ExternalIP

Internal access to Kafka

Confluent Platform components deployed by Operator within the Kubernetes cluster and user client applications within the Kubernetes cluster connect to Kafka over Kafka’s internal listener at the following addresses:

  • If Kafka cluster is deployed to the same namespace as this client / component:

  • If Kafka cluster is deployed to a different namespace as this client / component:


The <kafka-component-name> is the value set in name: under the kafka section in your configuration file ($VALUES_FILE).

Internal access to Kafka using load balancers

If Kubernetes is running in private subnets or within VPC peered clusters, configure an internal load balancer for VPC-to-VPC peering connections among Kafka and other Confluent Platform components.

To create an internal load balancer, add the following entries to the Kafka section in your configuration file ($VALUES_FILE):

    enabled: true          ----- [1]
    type: internal         ----- [2]
    domain:                ----- [3]
  • [1] Set enabled: true to enable load balancer.
  • [2] Set type: internal to create an internal load balancer.
  • [3] Set domain to the domain name of your cluster.

Internal load balancers add component support for VPC peering.

The installer automatically configures the following provider-specific annotations and creates an internal load balancer that works for the provider.

  • Azure

  • AWS

  • GCP


Access to Kafka for other Confluent Platform components

For Confluent Platform components to communicate with Kafka, you set the Kafka broker endpoint using bootstrapEndpoint: in the component sections in the configuration ($VALUES_FILE) as below. For Confluent Control Center, the Kafka dependencies section is in c3KafkaCluster, and for other components, it is in kafka.


For the component to communicate with Operator-deployed Kafka over Kafka’s internal listener:

  • If Kafka cluster is deployed to the same namespace as this component:

  • If Kafka cluster is deployed to a different namespace as this component:


    The <kafka-component-name> is the value set in name under the kafka section in your configuration file ($VALUES_FILE).

Configure access to other Confluent Platform components

Confluent Operator supports load balancers for external clients to connect to other Confluent Platform components.


Kafka brokers and ZooKeeper maintain a constant connection that can be broken if a load balancer is used for ZooKeeper. Do not configure a load balancer for ZooKeeper.

When load balancers are enabled, you access Confluent Platform components using one of the following endpoints:

  • TLS is enabled: https://<component>.<domain>
  • TLS is disabled: http://<component>.<domain>

For example, in the domain with TLS enabled, you access the Confluent Platform components at the following endpoints:

External load balancers are configured in the global configuration file ($VALUES_FILE). In the loadBalancer: section of the component, use the following parameters to configure external load balancers:

    enabled: true          ----- [1]
    type:                  ----- [2]
    domain:                ----- [3]
    prefix:                ----- [4]
  • [1] Set enabled: true to enable load balancers.

  • [2] Set type: external or omit it for an external load balancer. The load balancer defaults to external load balancers.

  • [3] Set domain to the domain name of your cluster.

  • [4] Set prefix to change the default load balancer prefixes. The default is the component name.

    If you have prefix: <myprefix>, the component DNS name is configured as <myprefix>.<domain>. If prefix is not set, the component DNS name is configured to <component-name>.<domain>.

Add component DNS entries

Once the external load balancers are created, you add a DNS entry associated with component load balancers to your DNS table (or whatever method you use to get DNS entries recognized by your provider environment).


To avoid DNS conflicts when you add multiple clusters to one domain, change the default prefixes for each component.

To get the information you need to add DNS entries, first list the services for components in the namespace.

kubectl get services -n <namespace>

Add the DNS entry for each Confluent Platform component that you added a load balancer to. The format is:

DNS name
The component name, such as controlcenter, connector, replicator, schemaregistry, ksql.
External IP
The component bootstrap load balancer External IP from the kubectl get services -n <namespace> output.
Internal IP
The component bootstrap load balancer Cluster IP from the kubectl get services -n <namespace> output.

No-DNS development access

If you need immediate external access without going through your organization’s DNS process, you can edit the hosts file on your local workstation. For Linux distributions, this file is typically located at /etc/hosts.


No-DNS access is for development and testing purposes only and should not be used in a production environment.

Once the hosts file is configured, you should be able to get to the Kafka bootstrap server from your local workstation.

Load balancer access

  1. Run the following command to get the external IPs of the load balancers:

    kubectl get services -n <namespace>

    An example output is:

    NAME                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP       PORT(S)
    controlcenter                ClusterIP      None           <none>           9021/TCP,7203/TCP,7777/TCP
    controlcenter-0-internal     ClusterIP   <none>           9021/TCP,7203/TCP,7777/TCP
    controlcenter-bootstrap-lb   LoadBalancer   80:31358/TCP
    kafka                        ClusterIP      None           <none>           9071/TCP,9072/TCP,9092/TCP,7203/TCP,7777/TCP
    kafka-0-internal             ClusterIP     <none>           9071/TCP,9072/TCP,9092/TCP,7203/TCP,7777/TCP
    kafka-0-lb                   LoadBalancer    9092:31977/TCP
    kafka-1-internal             ClusterIP    <none>           9071/TCP,9072/TCP,9092/TCP,7203/TCP,7777/TCP
    kafka-1-lb                   LoadBalancer      9092:30244/TCP
    kafka-2-internal             ClusterIP    <none>           9071/TCP,9072/TCP,9092/TCP,7203/TCP,7777/TCP
    kafka-2-lb                   LoadBalancer    9092:30695/TCP
    kafka-bootstrap-lb           LoadBalancer    9092:30601/TC
  2. Add the load balancer IPs to the /etc/hosts file.

    Using the above example output, the Kafka load balancer /etc/hosts file entries are: b0 b1 b2 kafka

NodePort access

Add a DNS entry to the /etc/hosts file using the following:

For example:

Static access with host-based routing

Add the Kafka IPs to the /etc/hosts file, using the external IP of the Ingress controller load balancer.

The example entries below use the following:

  • Default bootstrap prefix: kafka
  • Default broker prefix: b
  • Domain name:
  • External IP of the Ingress controller load balancer:

The Kafka load balancer /etc/hosts file entries are: b0 b1 b2 kafka

Static access with port-based routing

Add the host name you provided in and the external IP of the Ingress controller to the /etc/hosts file.

For example: