Source code for confluent_kafka.admin

Kafka Admin client: create, view, alter, delete topics and resources.
from ..cimpl import (KafkaException, # noqa

import concurrent.futures
import functools

from enum import Enum

[docs]class ConfigEntry(object): """ ConfigEntry is returned by describe_configs() for each configuration entry for the specified resource. This class is typically not user instantiated. :ivar str name: Configuration property name. :ivar str value: Configuration value (or None if not set or is_sensitive==True). :ivar ConfigSource source: Configuration source. :ivar bool is_read_only: Indicates if configuration property is read-only. :ivar bool is_default: Indicates if configuration property is using its default value. :ivar bool is_sensitive: Indicates if configuration property value contains sensitive information (such as security settings), in which case .value is None. :ivar bool is_synonym: Indicates if configuration property is a synonym for the parent configuration entry. :ivar list synonyms: A ConfigEntry list of synonyms and alternate sources for this configuration property. """ def __init__(self, name, value, source=ConfigSource.UNKNOWN_CONFIG, is_read_only=False, is_default=False, is_sensitive=False, is_synonym=False, synonyms=[]): """ This class is typically not user instantiated. """ super(ConfigEntry, self).__init__() = name self.value = value self.source = source self.is_read_only = bool(is_read_only) self.is_default = bool(is_default) self.is_sensitive = bool(is_sensitive) self.is_synonym = bool(is_synonym) self.synonyms = synonyms def __repr__(self): return "ConfigEntry(%s=\"%s\")" % (, self.value) def __str__(self): return "%s=\"%s\"" % (, self.value)
[docs]@functools.total_ordering class ConfigResource(object): """ Class representing resources that have configs. Instantiate with a resource type and a resource name. """
[docs] class Type(Enum): """ ConfigResource.Type depicts the type of a Kafka resource. """ UNKNOWN = RESOURCE_UNKNOWN #: Resource type is not known or not set. ANY = RESOURCE_ANY #: Match any resource, used for lookups. TOPIC = RESOURCE_TOPIC #: Topic resource. Resource name is topic name GROUP = RESOURCE_GROUP #: Group resource. Resource name is BROKER = RESOURCE_BROKER #: Broker resource. Resource name is broker id
def __init__(self, restype, name, set_config=None, described_configs=None, error=None): """ :param ConfigResource.Type restype: Resource type. :param str name: Resource name, depending on restype. For RESOURCE_BROKER the resource name is the broker id. :param dict set_config: Configuration to set/overwrite. Dict of str, str. :param dict described_configs: For internal use only. :param KafkaError error: For internal use only. """ super(ConfigResource, self).__init__() if name is None: raise ValueError("Expected resource name to be a string") if type(restype) == str: # Allow resource type to be specified as case-insensitive string, for convenience. try: restype = ConfigResource.Type[restype.upper()] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown resource type \"%s\": should be a ConfigResource.Type" % restype) elif type(restype) == int: # The C-code passes restype as an int, convert to Type. restype = ConfigResource.Type(restype) self.restype = restype self.restype_int = int(self.restype.value) # for the C code = name if set_config is not None: self.set_config_dict = set_config.copy() else: self.set_config_dict = dict() self.configs = described_configs self.error = error def __repr__(self): if self.error is not None: return "ConfigResource(%s,%s,%r)" % (self.restype,, self.error) else: return "ConfigResource(%s,%s)" % (self.restype, def __hash__(self): return hash((self.restype, def __lt__(self, other): if self.restype < other.restype: return True return def __eq__(self, other): return self.restype == other.restype and == def __len__(self): """ :rtype: int :returns: number of configuration entries/operations """ return len(self.set_config_dict)
[docs] def set_config(self, name, value, overwrite=True): """ Set/Overwrite configuration entry Any configuration properties that are not included will be reverted to their default values. As a workaround use describe_configs() to retrieve the current configuration and overwrite the settings you want to change. :param str name: Configuration property name :param str value: Configuration value :param bool overwrite: If True overwrite entry if already exists (default). If False do nothing if entry already exists. """ if not overwrite and name in self.set_config_dict: return self.set_config_dict[name] = value
[docs]class AdminClient (_AdminClientImpl): """ AdminClient provides admin operations for Kafka brokers, topics, groups, and other resource types supported by the broker. The Admin API methods are asynchronous and returns a dict of concurrent.futures.Future objects keyed by the entity. The entity is a topic name for create_topics(), delete_topics(), create_partitions(), and a ConfigResource for alter_configs(), describe_configs(). All the futures for a single API call will currently finish/fail at the same time (backed by the same protocol request), but this might change in future versions of the client. See examples/ for example usage. For more information see the Java Admin API documentation: Requires broker version v0.11.0.0 or later. """ def __init__(self, conf): """ Create a new AdminClient using the provided configuration dictionary. The AdminClient is a standard Kafka protocol client, supporting the standard librdkafka configuration properties as specified at At least 'bootstrap.servers' should be configured. """ super(AdminClient, self).__init__(conf) @staticmethod def _make_topics_result(f, futmap): """ Map per-topic results to per-topic futures in futmap. The result value of each (successful) future is None. """ try: result = f.result() for topic, error in result.items(): fut = futmap.get(topic, None) if fut is None: raise RuntimeError("Topic {} not found in future-map: {}".format(topic, futmap)) if error is not None: # Topic-level exception fut.set_exception(KafkaException(error)) else: # Topic-level success fut.set_result(None) except Exception as e: # Request-level exception, raise the same for all topics for topic, fut in futmap.items(): fut.set_exception(e) @staticmethod def _make_resource_result(f, futmap): """ Map per-resource results to per-resource futures in futmap. The result value of each (successful) future is a ConfigResource. """ try: result = f.result() for resource, configs in result.items(): fut = futmap.get(resource, None) if fut is None: raise RuntimeError("Resource {} not found in future-map: {}".format(resource, futmap)) if resource.error is not None: # Resource-level exception fut.set_exception(KafkaException(resource.error)) else: # Resource-level success # configs will be a dict for describe_configs() # and None for alter_configs() fut.set_result(configs) except Exception as e: # Request-level exception, raise the same for all resources for resource, fut in futmap.items(): fut.set_exception(e) @staticmethod def _make_futures(futmap_keys, class_check, make_result_fn): """ Create futures and a futuremap for the keys in futmap_keys, and create a request-level future to be bassed to the C API. """ futmap = {} for key in futmap_keys: if class_check is not None and not isinstance(key, class_check): raise ValueError("Expected list of {}".format(type(class_check))) futmap[key] = concurrent.futures.Future() if not futmap[key].set_running_or_notify_cancel(): raise RuntimeError("Future was cancelled prematurely") # Create an internal future for the entire request, # this future will trigger _make_..._result() and set result/exception # per topic,future in futmap. f = concurrent.futures.Future() f.add_done_callback(lambda f: make_result_fn(f, futmap)) if not f.set_running_or_notify_cancel(): raise RuntimeError("Future was cancelled prematurely") return f, futmap
[docs] def create_topics(self, new_topics, **kwargs): """ Create new topics in cluster. The future result() value is None. :param list(NewTopic) new_topics: New topics to be created. :param float operation_timeout: Set broker's operation timeout in seconds, controlling how long the CreateTopics request will block on the broker waiting for the topic creation to propagate in the cluster. A value of 0 returns immediately. Default: 0 :param float request_timeout: Set the overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :param bool validate_only: Tell broker to only validate the request, without creating the topic. Default: False :returns: a dict of futures for each topic, keyed by the topic name. :rtype: dict(<topic_name, future>) :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures([x.topic for x in new_topics], None, AdminClient._make_topics_result) super(AdminClient, self).create_topics(new_topics, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs] def delete_topics(self, topics, **kwargs): """ Delete topics. The future result() value is None. :param list(str) topics: Topics to mark for deletion. :param float operation_timeout: Set broker's operation timeout in seconds, controlling how long the DeleteTopics request will block on the broker waiting for the topic deletion to propagate in the cluster. A value of 0 returns immediately. Default: 0 :param float request_timeout: Set the overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :returns: a dict of futures for each topic, keyed by the topic name. :rtype: dict(<topic_name, future>) :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures(topics, None, AdminClient._make_topics_result) super(AdminClient, self).delete_topics(topics, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs] def create_partitions(self, new_partitions, **kwargs): """ Create additional partitions for the given topics. The future result() value is None. :param list(NewPartitions) new_partitions: New partitions to be created. :param float operation_timeout: Set broker's operation timeout in seconds, controlling how long the CreatePartitions request will block on the broker waiting for the partition creation to propagate in the cluster. A value of 0 returns immediately. Default: 0 :param float request_timeout: Set the overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :param bool validate_only: Tell broker to only validate the request, without creating the partitions. Default: False :returns: a dict of futures for each topic, keyed by the topic name. :rtype: dict(<topic_name, future>) :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures([x.topic for x in new_partitions], None, AdminClient._make_topics_result) super(AdminClient, self).create_partitions(new_partitions, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs] def describe_configs(self, resources, **kwargs): """ Get configuration for the specified resources. The future result() value is a dict(<configname, ConfigEntry>). :warning: Multiple resources and resource types may be requested, but at most one resource of type RESOURCE_BROKER is allowed per call since these resource requests must be sent to the broker specified in the resource. :param list(ConfigResource) resources: Resources to get configuration for. :param float request_timeout: Set the overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0` :param bool validate_only: Tell broker to only validate the request, without creating the partitions. Default: False :returns: a dict of futures for each resource, keyed by the ConfigResource. :rtype: dict(<ConfigResource, future>) :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures(resources, ConfigResource, AdminClient._make_resource_result) super(AdminClient, self).describe_configs(resources, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs] def alter_configs(self, resources, **kwargs): """ Update configuration values for the specified resources. Updates are not transactional so they may succeed for a subset of the provided resources while the others fail. The configuration for a particular resource is updated atomically, replacing the specified values while reverting unspecified configuration entries to their default values. The future result() value is None. :warning: alter_configs() will replace all existing configuration for the provided resources with the new configuration given, reverting all other configuration for the resource back to their default values. :warning: Multiple resources and resource types may be specified, but at most one resource of type RESOURCE_BROKER is allowed per call since these resource requests must be sent to the broker specified in the resource. :param list(ConfigResource) resources: Resources to update configuration for. :param float request_timeout: Set the overall request timeout in seconds, including broker lookup, request transmission, operation time on broker, and response. Default: `*1000.0`. :param bool validate_only: Tell broker to only validate the request, without altering the configuration. Default: False :returns: a dict of futures for each resource, keyed by the ConfigResource. :rtype: dict(<ConfigResource, future>) :raises KafkaException: Operation failed locally or on broker. :raises TypeException: Invalid input. :raises ValueException: Invalid input. """ f, futmap = AdminClient._make_futures(resources, ConfigResource, AdminClient._make_resource_result) super(AdminClient, self).alter_configs(resources, f, **kwargs) return futmap
[docs]class ClusterMetadata (object): """ ClusterMetadata as returned by list_topics() contains information about the Kafka cluster, brokers, and topics. This class is typically not user instantiated. :ivar str cluster_id: Cluster id string, if supported by broker, else None. :ivar id controller_id: Current controller broker id, or -1. :ivar dict brokers: Map of brokers indexed by the int broker id. Value is BrokerMetadata object. :ivar dict topics: Map of topics indexed by the topic name. Value is TopicMetadata object. :ivar int orig_broker_id: The broker this metadata originated from. :ivar str orig_broker_name: Broker name/address this metadata originated from. """ def __init__(self): self.cluster_id = None self.controller_id = -1 self.brokers = {} self.topics = {} self.orig_broker_id = -1 self.orig_broker_name = None def __repr__(self): return "ClusterMetadata({})".format(self.cluster_id) def __str__(self): return str(self.cluster_id)
[docs]class BrokerMetadata (object): """ BrokerMetadata contains information about a Kafka broker. This class is typically not user instantiated. :ivar int id: Broker id. :ivar str host: Broker hostname. :ivar int port: Broker port. """ def __init__(self): = -1 = None self.port = -1 def __repr__(self): return "BrokerMetadata({}, {}:{})".format(,, self.port) def __str__(self): return "{}:{}/{}".format(, self.port,
[docs]class TopicMetadata (object): """ TopicMetadata contains information about a Kafka topic. This class is typically not user instantiated. :ivar str -topic: Topic name. :ivar dict partitions: Map of partitions indexed by partition id. Value is PartitionMetadata object. :ivar KafkaError -error: Topic error, or None. Value is a KafkaError object. """ # The dash in "-topic" and "-error" is needed to circumvent a # Sphinx issue where it tries to reference the same instance variable # on other classes which raises a warning/error. def __init__(self): self.topic = None self.partitions = {} self.error = None def __repr__(self): if self.error is not None: return "TopicMetadata({}, {} partitions, {})".format(self.topic, len(self.partitions), self.error) else: return "TopicMetadata({}, {} partitions)".format(self.topic, len(self.partitions)) def __str__(self): return self.topic
[docs]class PartitionMetadata (object): """ PartitionsMetadata contains information about a Kafka partition. This class is typically not user instantiated. :ivar int id: Partition id. :ivar int leader: Current leader broker for this partition, or -1. :ivar list(int) replicas: List of replica broker ids for this partition. :ivar list(int) isrs: List of in-sync-replica broker ids for this partition. :ivar KafkaError -error: Partition error, or None. Value is a KafkaError object. :warning: Depending on cluster state the broker ids referenced in leader, replicas and isrs may temporarily not be reported in ClusterMetadata.brokers. Always check the availability of a broker id in the brokers dict. """ def __init__(self): = -1 self.leader = -1 self.replicas = [] self.isrs = [] self.error = None def __repr__(self): if self.error is not None: return "PartitionMetadata({}, {})".format(, self.error) else: return "PartitionMetadata({})".format( def __str__(self): return "{}".format(