Configure Encryption for Confluent Platform with Ansible Playbooks

Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform supports the PLAINTEXT (no encryption) and TLS encryption methods with PLAINTEXT being the default.

TLS encryption

Configure TLS for all components

To enable TLS encryption for all components, add the following in the hosts.yml file.

    ssl_enabled: true

Configure TLS for individual components

To selectively enable or disable TLS encryption for specific components, set the following settings to true or false in addition to the global ssl_enabled setting.

  • zookeeper_ssl_enabled
  • kafka_connect_ssl_enabled
  • kafka_rest_ssl_enabled
  • schema_registry_ssl_enabled
  • control_center_ssl_enabled
  • ksql_ssl_enabled

For example, if you want TLS enabled for all components except for Schema Registry, set:

    ssl_enabled: true
    schema_registry_ssl_enabled: false

By default, the certs for this configuration are self-signed. To deploy custom certificates, you can provide either custom certs or custom keystores and truststores.


You can enable TLS encryption using one of the following:

  • Self-signed certs: A Certificate Authority will be generated by the Ansible playbooks and used to sign the certs for each host.
  • Custom certs: You provide signed certs and keys for each host as well as the Certificate Authority Cert used to sign the certs.
  • Custom keystores and truststores: You provide keystores and truststores for each host.

Use custom certs for TLS

To provide custom certs for each host, you need the Certificate Authority certificate, the signed certificates, and keys for each host on the Ansible control node.

Complete the following steps to update hosts.yml.

  1. Specify that custom certs are provided.

        ssl_custom_certs: true
  2. Enter the path to the Certificate Authority Cert used to sign each host certificate.

        ssl_ca_cert_filepath: "/tmp/certs/ca.crt"
  3. Set the signed certificate path and key file path for each host.

        ssl_signed_cert_filepath: "/tmp/certs/{{inventory_hostname}}-signed.crt"
        ssl_key_filepath: "/tmp/certs/{{inventory_hostname}}-key.pem"

    The variable {{inventory_hostname}} in the example shows that Ansible can read the hostnames set in the inventory file. For this reason, you can keep the inventory file shorter if you put the hostname in the filename for each signed certificate and key file.

    As an alternative, you can set the variables directly under a host. For example:


             ssl_signed_cert_filepath: "/tmp/certs/192-24-10-207-signed.crt
             ssl_key_filepath: "/tmp/certs/192-24-10-207-key.pem

Use custom keystores and truststores for TLS

To provide custom keystores and truststores for each host, you need to have keystores and truststores (and their passwords) for each host on the Ansible control node and their passwords.

Complete the following steps to update hosts.yml.

  1. Specify that custom keystores and truststores are provided.

        ssl_provided_keystore_and_truststore: true
  2. Provide the keystore and truststore filepaths and passwords.

        ssl_keystore_filepath: "/tmp/certs/{{inventory_hostname}}-keystore.jks"
        ssl_keystore_key_password: mystorepassword
        ssl_keystore_store_password: mystorepassword
        ssl_truststore_filepath: "/tmp/certs/truststore.jks"
        ssl_truststore_password: truststorepass

    Using the {{inventory_hostname}} variable and setting the same password for each host, you can set these variable once in the hosts.yml file.

    As an alternative, you can set these variables under each host. For example:

          ssl_keystore_filepath: "/tmp/certs/{{inventory_hostname}}-keystore.jks"
          ssl_keystore_key_password: mystorepassword
          ssl_keystore_store_password: mystorepassword
          ssl_truststore_filepath: "/tmp/certs/truststore.jks"
          ssl_truststore_password: truststorepass