Troubleshoot Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform

Complete the following steps if Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform fails:

  1. Review the error log output from Ansible itself. It will show the type of failure which has occurred and might indicate a misconfiguration in your inventory file. For example, if you set a file path variable to an invalid path, the logs will say “Could not find or access “ the file path, and you simply need to correct the variable and rerun the install.

  2. Review your inventory file. Validate that all variables are set correctly, with proper spacing in your inventory file. You can review hosts_example.yml and the sample_inventories directory for examples.

  3. Review component log and property files. If a component health check fails, the playbook will fetch log and property files back to the Ansible Control Node inside the error_files/ directory at the root of cp-ansible. These error logs can indicate which properties are misconfigured.

  4. If the log files do not provide a clear reason for the failure, run the playbook again, appending the -vvv switch to enable debug logging and redirect the output to a file:

    ansible-playbook -vvv -i hosts.yml all.yml > failure.txt
  5. Open a support ticket with Confluent Support and provide the following within a compressed archive file:

    • Your inventory file

    • The log files generated from the -vvv switch

    • The error_logs/ directory and its contents

    • The output of the following GIT commands as a text file. Run the command from the root of cp-ansible to show any changes made to the cp-ansible source code:

      git status
      git diff