Cluster Linking Demo (Docker)


This feature is available as a preview feature. A preview feature is a component of Confluent Platform that is being introduced to gain early feedback from developers. This feature can be used for evaluation and non-production testing purposes or to provide feedback to Confluent.

This is a hands-on demo of Cluster Linking and its capabilities in the context of common use cases. The scripts and README are available on GitHub at demo-scene/cluster-linking

What the Demo Covers

By the end of this demo, you will have configured two clusters and successfully used Cluster Linking to migrate data across the clusters for a variety of use cases.

In the following steps, you will:

  • Create a topic link
  • Learn how to describe cluster links
  • Run through a basic topic mirroring example to share topic data
  • Open up two windows on a command terminal to produce messages on the source cluster and consume from a mirrored topic on the destination cluster
  • Migrate a consumer from west cluster to east cluster, and learn how to monitor it
  • Stop linking and perform demo teardown

Setup and Prerequisites

The demo includes a Docker Compose file that pulls Docker images and sets up two Kafka clusters, each with its own ZooKeeper:

  • ZooKeeper
  • Kafka
  • Confluent Server

Several scripts are included, which are used to set configurations, run commands, and demo the use cases.

  • Docker
    • Docker version 1.11 or later is installed and running.
    • Docker Compose is installed. Docker Compose is installed by default with Docker for Mac.
    • Docker memory is allocated minimally at 8 GB. When using Docker Desktop for Mac, the default Docker memory allocation is 2 GB. You can change the default allocation to 8 GB in Docker. Navigate to Preferences > Resources > Advanced.
  • Git
  • Internet connectivity
  • Operating System currently supported by Confluent Platform
  • Networking and Kafka on Docker
    • Configure your hosts and ports to allow both internal and external components to the Docker network to communicate. For more details, see this article.

Start the services

Clone the Confluent demo-scene repository from GitHub and work in the cluster-linking/ subdirectory, which provides the sample code you will compile and run in this tutorial.


The following git clone example uses SSH, if your Git configuration is set for HTTPS, use git clone instead.

git clone
cd cluster-linking/

Share a mirrored topic

  1. Start Docker Compose.

    docker-compose up -d

    This pulls the latest Docker images and starts the containers.

    Creating network "cluster-linking_n1" with the default driver
    Pulling zookeeper-west (confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:latest)...
    latest: Pulling from confluentinc/cp-zookeeper
    0fd3b5213a9b: Pull complete
    aebb8c556853: Pull complete
    db19045b67cf: Pull complete
    ea44f5056484: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:d5ba29dbd01ad6f8ebd7c83be89d4949c830b7d0d503d80b882ac739e7974067
    Status: Downloaded newer image for confluentinc/cp-server:latest
    Creating zookeeper-west ... done
    Creating zookeeper-east ... done
    Creating broker-west    ... done
    Creating broker-east    ... done
  2. Create a topic, cluster link, and mirrored topic.

    Run the following script to create a topic in the west cluster, link the west cluster to east cluster, and mirror the topic data on the source topic in the destination topic.


    You should see output similar to the following.

    ==> Create West Demo Topic
    Created topic west-trades.
    ==> Create East -> West link
    Cluster link 'west-cluster-link' creation successfully completed.
    ==> Create an east mirror of west-trades
    Created topic west-trades.

    To accomplish this, the create-links-topics script runs:

    • kafka-cluster-links on the source to create a cluster link called west-cluster-link, pass in group filters (in a JSON file) that define the consumer group to mirror from consumer offsets (all are replicated), identify the bootstrap server of the cluster to link to (broker-west), enable consumer offset syncs, and sync up offsets every 10 seconds.
    • kafka-cluster-links --list to view the links created
    • kafka-topics create to create a mirror of the west-trades topic on the destination cluster (broker-east)


    Topic renaming is not supported for this preview. The original topic and mirrored topic must have the same name.

  3. Run the list-links-and-lag script which executes the kafka-configs command to describe the link and topic.


    You should see output similar to the following.

    ==> List cluster links
    Link name: 'west-cluster-link', link ID: 'c0f902c9-9fb9-4495-8b71-e9ae04d73264', cluster ID: 'P-Le2LkxTISct-OApmmaFg'
    ==> Link Metrics
    ==> Monitor MaxLag
    west-cluster-link: 0


    The demo is not set up to generate link metrics. To learn more about how to collect and view metrics on the cluster link, see Monitoring Cluster Metrics and Optimizing Links and Cluster Linking Tutorial.

  4. Open up three command window sessions, one for the west cluster, one for the east cluster, and one to monitor lag between the two. (Make sure all sessions are in the same repository and directory you’ve been working in, demo-scene/cluster-linking.)

    • In the window for the east cluster (destination, with the mirrored topic), execute the run-consumer script to consume the messages from the mirrored topic west-trades.


      When the consumer starts, the following message is shown.

      ==> Consume from east cluster, west-trades
    • In the window for the west cluster (source, with the original topic), execute the run-producer script to produce 100 messages to the topic west-trades on the west cluster.


      When the producer runs, the following message is shown. (This producer auto-produces the messages, then shuts down and returns you to the prompt.)

      ==> Produce: West -> East west-trades
      >>>> $
    • Look back at your consumer command window for the east cluster. You should see the following output as your consumer (on the destination) reads from the mirrored topic.

      ==> Consume from east cluster, west-trades

      Type Ctl-C to shut down this consumer and get your prompt back.

Set up a consumer group to read from a topic on the source

  1. Open a new command window, create a consumer group in the west cluster that consumes from west-trades.


    The set-up-consumer script does the following:

    • configures the group with a property to automatically commit offsets
    • names the group someGroup
    • sets up a consumer to read from the west-trades topic on the west cluster (source) and runs it

    You should see output similar to the following as the consumer group reads messages 1-100 from the mirrored topic.

    ==> Consume from west cluster, west-trades and commit offsets (source cluster)
  2. In your “lag” window, run the kafka-consumer-groups command to validate offsets on both the source and destination cluster. (These should match.)

    • To get the offsets for the west cluster (source), provide the following command.

      docker-compose exec broker-west kafka-consumer-groups  \
         --bootstrap-server broker-west:19091 \
         --describe \
         --group someGroup

      The output for the source cluster should resemble the following.

      GROUP           TOPIC           PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID                                               HOST            CLIENT-ID
      someGroup       west-trades     0          100             100             0               consumer-someGroup-1-8161b2c7-b9a1-4a81-b2ab-bd58a7a0b2e6 /     consumer-someGroup-1
    • To get the offsets for the east cluster (destination), provide the following command.

      docker-compose exec broker-east kafka-consumer-groups  \
         --bootstrap-server broker-east:19092 \
         --describe \
         --group someGroup

      The output for the destination cluster should resemble the following.

      Consumer group 'someGroup' has no active members.
      GROUP           TOPIC           PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID     HOST            CLIENT-ID
      someGroup       west-trades     0          100             100             0               -               -               -


    It can take up to 10 seconds for offsets to be migrated.

Migrate a group from source to destination

  1. Update the offset migration to stop migrating consumer offsets from the west cluster to the east cluster.

    The migrate-one-cg script updates the offset migration and cluster link to accomplish the migration, produces more messages to the west-trades topic, and then consumes them from the consumer group in the east.


    Watch the output messages and note that the script accomplishes the following tasks.

    • Updates to set an exclusion filter for someGroup which excludes it from consumer offsets
    • Uses the kafka-configs command to update the cluster link from the east to exclude migration of someGroup consumer offsets
    • Produces another 100 messages in the west cluster
    • Consumes the new consumer in the east cluster
    • Monitors the consumer offsets that have been migrated from one side to the other
    ==> Stop migrating the consumer group someGroup via the west link
    Completed updating config for cluster-link west-cluster-link.
    ==> Produce 100 more messages to the source topic
    ==> Consume from east cluster, west-trades and commit offsets (destination cluster)
    ^CProcessed a total of 100 messages
    ==> Monitor that the consumer offsets have correctly been migrated
    ==> West Cluster
    Consumer group 'someGroup' has no active members.
    someGroup       west-trades     0          100             200             100             -               -               -
    ==> East Cluster
    Consumer group 'someGroup' has no active members.
    someGroup       west-trades     0          200             200             0               -               -               -
  2. In your “lag” window, rerun the kafka-consumer-groups commands on both clusters to verify that the migrated consumer group on broker-east is fully caught up to offset 200.

    • First, on the west cluster. (This is the cluster you produced to, so just verify that the producer worked.)

      docker-compose exec broker-west kafka-consumer-groups  \
         --bootstrap-server broker-west:19091 \
         --describe \
         --group someGroup

      The output for the source cluster should resemble the following.

      GROUP           TOPIC           PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID                                               HOST            CLIENT-ID
      someGroup       west-trades     0          200             200             0               consumer-someGroup-1-8161b2c7-b9a1-4a81-b2ab-bd58a7a0b2e6 /     consumer-someGroup-1
    • Now, verify that broker-east is caught up.

      docker-compose exec broker-east kafka-consumer-groups  \
         --bootstrap-server broker-east:19092 \
         --describe \
         --group someGroup
      GROUP           TOPIC           PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID                                               HOST            CLIENT-ID
      someGroup       west-trades     0          200             200             0               consumer-someGroup-1-dff88343-140b-481b-acb2-e86d0713e180 /     consumer-someGroup-1

      These should match, with no lag because we are not producing more messages at this point.

Change a topic from a mirrored topic to a writable topic

Run the stop-link script to change a topic from a mirrored topic to writable topic.

The script uses kafka-replica-status to show the mirrored topic, kafka-topics --alter --mirror-action stop to stop the link, and kafka-replica-status again to monitor the changes.


You should see output similar to the following as the link stops, and the mirrored topic changes to a writable topic.

==> Using replica status to see mirrored topic

Topic              Partition Replica ClusterLink       IsLeader IsObserver IsIsrEligible IsInIsr IsCaughtUp LastCaughtUpLagMs LastFetchLagMs LogStartOffset LogEndOffset
 __consumer_offsets 0         1       -                 true     false      true          true    true       0                 0              0              0
 __consumer_offsets 1         1       -                 true     false      true          true    true       0                 0              0              0
 __consumer_offsets 49        1       -                 true     false      true          true    true       0                 0              0              0
 _confluent-license 0         1       -                 true     false      true          true    true       0                 0              0              0
 west-trades        0         1       -                 true     false      true          true    true       0                 0              0              500
 west-trades        0         1       west-cluster-link true     false      true          true    true       -7                -7             0              500

 ==> Stop west-link
 Topic 'west-trades's mirror was successfully stopped.

 ==> Monitor the change in mirrored topic status
 Topic              Partition Replica ClusterLink IsLeader IsObserver IsIsrEligible IsInIsr IsCaughtUp LastCaughtUpLagMs LastFetchLagMs LogStartOffset LogEndOffset
 __consumer_offsets 0         1       -           true     false      true          true    true       0                 0              0              0
 __consumer_offsets 1         1       -           true     false      true          true    true       0                 0              0              0
 __consumer_offsets 49        1       -           true     false      true          true    true       0                 0              0              0
 _confluent-license 0         1       -           true     false      true          true    true       0                 0              0              0
 west-trades        0         1       -           true     false      true          true    true       0                 0              0              500


  1. Shut down any running producers or consumers cleanly with Ctl-C in their respective command windows. (If you forget, the shutdown script also will stop these for you.)

  2. Run the shutdown script to stop and remove Docker containers.


    Your output should resemble:

    Error response from daemon: No such container: pumba-latency
    Stopping broker-west    ... done
    Stopping broker-east    ... done
    Stopping zookeeper-west ... done
    Stopping zookeeper-east ... done
    Removing broker-west    ... done
    Removing broker-east    ... done
    Removing zookeeper-west ... done
    Removing zookeeper-east ... done
    Removing network clusterlinking_n1

For more information, refer to the official Docker documentation.

Suggested Reading

Cluster Linking Tutorial