Schema Registry Maven Plugin

A Maven plugin for Schema Registry is available to help throughout the development process, with configuration options as listed below.


There is no official out-of-the-box Gradle plugin available for Schema Registry. However, you can reference any of these plugins in your Maven pom.xml (Project Object Model file):


The download goal is used to pull down schemas from a Schema Registry server. This plugin is used to download Avro schemas for the requested subjects and write them to a folder on the local file system.


Schema Registry URLs to connect to.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: true

User credentials for connecting to Schema Registry, of the form user:password. This is required if connecting to Confluent Cloud Schema Registry.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: false
  • Default: null

Output directory to write the schemas to.

  • Type: File
  • Required: true

The file extension to use for the output file name. This must begin with a ‘.’ character.

  • Type: File
  • Required: false
  • Default: .avsc

The subject patterns to download. This is a list of regular expressions. Patterns must match the entire subject name.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: true


This goal is used to read schemas from the local file system and test them for compatibility against the Schema Registry server(s). This goal can be used in a continuous integration pipeline to ensure that schemas in the project are compatible with the schemas in another environment.


Schema Registry URLs to connect to.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: true

User credentials for connecting to Schema Registry, of the form user:password. This is required if connecting to Confluent Cloud Schema Registry.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: false
  • Default: null

Map containing subject to schema path of the subjects to be registered.

  • Type: Map<String, File>
  • Required: true

String that specifies the schema type.

  • Type: String (one of AVRO (default), JSON, PROTOBUF)
  • Required: false
  • Default: AVRO

Map containing a reference name and a subject.

  • Type: Map<String, Reference[]>
  • Required: false

The following example uses the plugin to configure three subjects (order, product, and customer) using schema type: AVRO


Example Usage

Example usage of schema-registry:test-compatibility:


This goal is used to read schemas from the local file system and validate them locally, before registering them. If you find syntax errors, you can examine and correct them before submitting schemas to Schema Registry with schema-registry:register.


Schema Registry URLs to connect to.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: true

User credentials for connecting to Schema Registry, of the form user:password. This is required if connecting to Confluent Cloud Schema Registry.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: false
  • Default: null

Map containing subject to schema path of the subjects to be registered.

  • Type: Map<String, File>
  • Required: true

String that specifies the schema type.

  • Type: String (one of AVRO (default), JSON, PROTOBUF)
  • Required: false
  • Default: AVRO

Map containing a reference name and a subject.

  • Type: Map<String, Reference[]>
  • Required: false


This goal is used to read schemas from the local file system and register them on the target Schema Registry server(s). This goal can be used in a continuous deployment pipeline to push schemas to a new environment.


Schema Registry URLs to connect to.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: true

User credentials for connecting to Schema Registry, of the form user:password. This is required if connecting to Confluent Cloud Schema Registry.

  • Type: String[]
  • Required: false
  • Default: null

Map containing subject to schema path of the subjects to be registered.

  • Type: Map<String, File>
  • Required: true

String that specifies the schema type.

  • Type: String (one of AVRO (default), JSON, PROTOBUF)
  • Required: false
  • Default: AVRO

Map containing a reference name and a subject.

  • Type: Map<String, Reference[]>
  • Required: false

The following example uses the plugin to configure three subjects (order, product, and customer) using schema type: AVRO
