Confluent Cloud Examples

Confluent Cloud is a resilient, scalable streaming data service based on Kafka, delivered as a fully managed service. It has a web interface and local command-line interface that you can use to manage cluster resources, Kafka topics, Schema Registry, and other services.

This page describes a few resources to help you build and validate your solutions on Confluent Cloud.

Cost to Run Examples


Any Confluent Cloud example uses real Confluent Cloud resources that may be billable. An example may create a new Confluent Cloud environment, Kafka cluster, topics, ACLs, and service accounts, as well as resources that have hourly charges like connectors and ksqlDB applications. To avoid unexpected charges, carefully evaluate the cost of resources before you start. After you are done running a Confluent Cloud example, destroy all Confluent Cloud resources to avoid accruing hourly charges for services and verify that they have been deleted.

Confluent Cloud Promo Code

To receive an additional $50 free usage in Confluent Cloud, enter promo code C50INTEG in the Confluent Cloud UI Billing and payment section (details). This promo code should sufficiently cover up to one day of running this Confluent Cloud example, beyond which you may be billed for the services that have an hourly charge until you destroy the Confluent Cloud resources created by this example.


Confluent Cloud Quickstart

The Confluent Cloud Quickstart is an automated version of the Confluent Platform Quickstart, but this one runs in Confluent Cloud.


ccloud-stack Utility

The ccloud-stack Utility for Confluent Cloud creates a stack of fully managed services in Confluent Cloud. Executed with a single command, it is a quick way to create fully managed components in Confluent Cloud, which you can then use for learning and building other demos. Do not use this in a production environment. The script uses the Confluent Cloud CLI to dynamically do the following in Confluent Cloud:

  • Create a new environment.
  • Create a new service account.
  • Create a new Kafka cluster and associated credentials.
  • Enable Confluent Cloud Schema Registry and associated credentials.
  • Create a new ksqlDB app and associated credentials.
  • Create ACLs with wildcard for the service account.
  • Generate a local configuration file with all above connection information, useful for other demos/automation.

Client Code Examples

If you are looking for code examples of producers writing to and consumers reading from Confluent Cloud, or producers and consumers using Avro with Confluent Schema Registry, refer to Code Examples for Apache Kafka®. It provides client examples written in various programming languages.


Confluent Cloud CLI

The Tutorial: Confluent Cloud CLI is a fully scripted example that shows users how to interact with Confluent Cloud using the Confluent Cloud CLI. It steps through the following workflow:

  • Create a new environment and specify it as the default.
  • Create a new Kafka cluster and specify it as the default.
  • Create a user key/secret pair and specify it as the default.
  • Produce and consume with Confluent Cloud CLI.
  • Create a service account key/secret pair.
  • Run a Java producer: before and after ACLs.
  • Run a Java producer: showcase a Prefix ACL.
  • Run Connect and kafka-connect-datagen connector with permissions.
  • Run a Java consumer: showcase a Wildcard ACL.
  • Delete the API key, service account, Kafka topics, Kafka cluster, environment, and the log files.

Cloud ETL

The cloud ETL example showcases a cloud ETL solution leveraging all fully-managed services on Confluent Cloud. Using Confluent Cloud CLI, the example creates a source connector that reads data from an AWS Kinesis stream into Confluent Cloud, then a Confluent Cloud ksqlDB application processes that data, and then a sink connector writes the output data into cloud storage in the provider of your choice (GCP GCS, AWS S3, or Azure Blob).


On-Prem Kafka to Cloud

The hybrid cloud example and playbook showcase a hybrid Kafka deployment: one cluster is a self-managed cluster running locally, the other is a Confluent Cloud cluster. Replicator copies the on-prem data to Confluent Cloud so that stream processing can happen in the cloud.


Microservices in the Cloud

The microservices cloud example showcases an order management workflow targeting Confluent Cloud. Microservices are deployed locally on Docker, and they are configured to use a Kafka cluster, ksqlDB, and Confluent Schema Registry in Confluent Cloud. Kafka Connect is also deployed locally on Docker, and it runs a SQL source connector to produce to Confluent Cloud and a Elasticsearch sink connector to consume from Confluent Cloud.


Confluent Operator with Cloud

The Kubernetes examples feature a deployment of Confluent Platform on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Microsoft Azure leveraging Confluent Operator and Replicator, highlighting a data replication strategy to Confluent Cloud. Upon running this example, you will have a GKE-based or Azure-based Confluent Platform deployment with simulated data replicating to your Confluent Cloud cluster.

You can choose between two examples:


DevOps for Apache Kafka® with Kubernetes and GitOps

The DevOps for Apache Kafka® with Kubernetes and GitOps project is a simulated production-environment running a streaming application targeting Apache Kafka® on Confluent Cloud. Applications and resources are managed by GitOps with a declarative infrastructure, Kubernetes, and the Operator Pattern.


Build Your Own Cloud Demo

ccloud-stack Utility

The ccloud-stack Utility for Confluent Cloud creates a stack of fully managed services in Confluent Cloud. Executed with a single command, it is a quick way to create fully managed components in Confluent Cloud, which you can then use for learning and building other demos. Do not use this in a production environment. The script uses the Confluent Cloud CLI to dynamically do the following in Confluent Cloud:

  • Create a new environment.
  • Create a new service account.
  • Create a new Kafka cluster and associated credentials.
  • Enable Confluent Cloud Schema Registry and associated credentials.
  • Create a new ksqlDB app and associated credentials.
  • Create ACLs with wildcard for the service account.
  • Generate a local configuration file with all above connection information, useful for other demos/automation.

Auto-generate Configurations to connect to Confluent Cloud

The configuration generation script reads a configuration file and auto-generates delta configurations for all Confluent Platform components and clients. Use these per-component configurations for Confluent Platform components and clients connecting to Confluent Cloud:

  • Confluent Platform Components:
    • Schema Registry
    • ksqlDB Data Generator
    • ksqlDB
    • Confluent Replicator
    • Confluent Control Center
    • Kafka Connect
    • Kafka connector
    • Kafka command line tools
  • Kafka Clients:
    • Java (Producer/Consumer)
    • Java (Streams)
    • Python
    • .NET
    • Go
    • Node.js
    • C++
  • OS:
    • ENV file

Self Managed Components to Confluent Cloud

This Docker-based environment can be used with Confluent Cloud. The docker-compose.yml launches all services in Confluent Platform (except for the Kafka brokers), runs them in containers on localhost, and automatically configures them to connect to Confluent Cloud. Using this as a foundation, you can then add any connectors or applications.


Put It All Together

You can chain these utilities to build your own hybrid examples that span on-prem and Confluent Cloud, where some self-managed components run on-prem and fully-managed services run in Confluent Cloud.

For example, you may want an easy way to run a connector not yet available in Confluent Cloud. In this case, you can run a self-managed connect worker and connector on prem and connect it to your Confluent Cloud cluster. Or perhaps you want to build a Kafka demo in Confluent Cloud and run the REST Proxy client or Confluent Control Center against it.

You can build any example with a mix of fully-managed services in Confluent Cloud and self-managed components on localhost, in a few easy steps.

  1. Create a ccloud-stack of fully managed services in Confluent Cloud. One of the outputs is a local configuration file with key-value pairs of the required connection values to Confluent Cloud. (If you already have provisioned your Confluent Cloud resources, you can skip this step).

  2. Run the configuration generation script , passing in that local configuration file (created in previous step) as input. This script generates delta configuration files for all Confluent Platform components and clients, including information for bootstrap servers, endpoints, and credentials required to connect to Confluent Cloud.

    # stack-configs/java-service-account-<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID>.config is generated by step above
    ./ stack-configs/java-service-account-<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID>.config

    One of the generated delta configuration files from this step is for environment variables, and it resembles this example, with credentials filled in.

    export SASL_JAAS_CONFIG=' required username\="<CCLOUD_API_KEY>" password\="<CCLOUD_API_SECRET>";'
    export SASL_JAAS_CONFIG_PROPERTY_FORMAT=' required username="<CCLOUD_API_KEY>" password="<CCLOUD_API_SECRET>";'
    export REPLICATOR_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG=' required username=\"<CCLOUD_API_KEY>\" password=\"<CCLOUD_API_SECRET>\";'
  3. Source the above delta env file to export variables into the shell environment.

    # delta_configs/ is generated by step above
    source delta_configs/
  4. Run the desired Confluent Platform services locally using this Docker-based example. The Docker Compose file launches Confluent Platform services on your localhost and uses environment variable substitution to populate the parameters with the connection values to your Confluent Cloud so that they can connect to Confluent Cloud. If you want to run a single service, you can bring up just that service.

    docker-compose up -d <service>

    In the case of running a self-managed connector locally that connects to Confluent Cloud, first add your desired connector to the base Kafka Connect Docker image as described in Add Connectors or Software, and then substitute that Docker image in your Docker Compose file.

  5. Refer to the library of bash functions for examples on how to interact with Confluent Cloud via the Confluent Cloud CLI.

Any Confluent Cloud example uses real Confluent Cloud resources. After you are done running a Confluent Cloud example, manually verify that all Confluent Cloud resources are destroyed to avoid unexpected charges.

Additional Resources