ccloud login


Log in to Confluent Cloud.

ccloud login [flags]

Starting in the 1.20.1 release, you can log in to Confluent Cloud non-interactively using the CCLOUD_EMAIL and CCLOUD_PASSWORD environment variables.

For example:

export CCLOUD_PASSWORD=mypassword

ccloud login

Even with the above environment variables set, you can force an interactive login using the --prompt flag.

Environment variables

If the following variables are set, ccloud login will not prompt you to enter the user name and the password.

CCLOUD_EMAIL     The email address of the user logging in.
CCLOUD_PASSWORD  The password of the user logging in.


--url string   Confluent Cloud service URL. (default "")
--no-browser   Do not open browser when authenticating via Single Sign-On.
--save         Save login credentials or refresh token (in the case of SSO) to local ``netrc`` file.
--prompt       Bypass non-interactive login and prompt for login credentials.

Global Flags

-h, --help            Show help for this command.
-v, --verbose count   Increase verbosity (-v for warn, -vv for info, -vvv for debug, -vvvv for trace).

See Also