Install Confluent Cloud CLI

You can use the Confluent Cloud CLI to administer your Confluent Cloud cluster.

The Confluent Cloud CLI requires users to log in with a Confluent Cloud user account.

All Confluent Cloud CLI traffic is over https.


The Confluent Cloud CLI only supports basic produce or consume operations. For example, you cannot pass in a properties file using the Confluent Cloud CLI. This means you cannot set other configuration properties or produce with keys. For advanced produce or consume operations, use the Confluent CLI confluent local services kafka produce and confluent local services kafka consume commands with the --cloud --config <path-to-file> flag.

Supported environments

The Confluent Cloud CLI is supported for macOS, Microsoft Windows, and Linux (including Alpine) operating systems.

Scripted installation


On Microsoft Windows, an appropriate Linux environment may need to be installed in order to have the curl and sh commands available, such as the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

  1. Download the Confluent Cloud CLI in the <path-to-cli> directory:

    The script detects which system is running and downloads the appropriate binary.

    curl -L --http1.1 | sh -s -- -b <path-to-cli>
  2. Add the CLI installation location to your PATH environment variable.

Tarball or Zip installation

  1. Download and install the most recently released raw binaries by platform:
  2. Set the PATH environment to include the directory that you downloaded the CLI binaries in the previous step.


  • Verify installation by typing ccloud in your terminal.


    You should see Confluent Cloud CLI usage information:

    Welcome to the Confluent Cloud CLI
      ccloud [command]
    Available Commands:
      api-key         Manage API keys
      completion      Output shell completion code
      environment     Manage and select ccloud environments
      help            Help about any command
      kafka           Manage Kafka
      login           Login to Confluent Cloud
      logout          Logout of Confluent Cloud
      service-account Manage service accounts
      update          Update ccloud
      version         Print the ccloud version
      -h, --help            help for ccloud
      -v, --verbose count   increase output verbosity
          --version         version for ccloud
  • Log in to your Confluent Cloud cluster using the following command:

    ccloud login
  • View your cluster using the following command:

    ccloud kafka cluster list

    Your output should resemble:

          Id      |       Name        | Provider |   Region    | Durability | Status
        lkc-emmox | My first cluster  | gcp      | us-central1 | LOW        | UP
        lkc-low0y | My second cluster | gcp      | us-central1 | LOW        | UP
  • Designate the active cluster using the following command:

    ccloud kafka cluster use lkc-emmox
  • Connect Confluent Cloud CLI to a Cluster.


Run these commands to uninstall the Confluent Cloud CLI. These commands assume you have installed the CLI in the /usr/local/bin folder.

rm -rf ~/.ccloud/

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/ccloud

Uninstall CLI Versions Prior to 0.78.x

You can uninstall versions of the Confluent Cloud CLI prior to 0.78.x with these instructions. You can check the version of the Confluent Cloud CLI with the ccloud version command.


Confluent Cloud CLI versions prior to 0.78.x stored their configuration in .ccloud/config. This file is no longer used and can be deleted. For more information, see Login and Configuration.


Run this command from your terminal:

brew uninstall ccloud


  1. Delete the Confluent Cloud CLI files and folder from your system. For example:

    rm -rf <path-to-ccloud-cli>/ccloud-0.2.1
  2. Remove the entry from your PATH environment variable.


  1. Delete the Confluent Cloud CLI files and folder from your system. For example:

    rm -rf <path-to-ccloud-cli>/ccloud-0.2.1
  2. Remove the entry from your JAVA_HOME environment variable.

Previous Confluent Cloud Versions

To install a previous version of the Confluent Cloud CLI, see the 5.2.0 CLI documentation.