Confluent Cloud CLI Release Notes

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.22.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • Provide functionality to pass in API key/secret as part of the ccloud ksql app create command
  • Automatic logins for existing non-interactive credentials
Bug Fixes
  • Fix CLI failure caused by a corrupted config

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.21.1 Release Notes

Bug Fixes
  • Update cluster output to display ‘Infinite’ instead of ‘-1’ for infinite storage

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.21.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • Stateless mode
  • --prompt flag for login command to bypass non-interactive login
Bug Fixes
  • Fix automatic update of auth tokens for username/email with special characters

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.20.1 Release Notes

Bug Fixes
  • Prompt for credentials instead of throwing error when non-interactive login fails

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.20.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • ccloud shell provides a shell environment with command autocompletion, including completion of resource names/IDs
  • Non-interactive login supported via environment variables
  • Binaries and archives are now shipped for Alpine Linux
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed issue where update command may not detect new CLI versions

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.19.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • Cloud users can now be managed within the CLI
  • Payment methods can now be managed within the CLI
  • Creator email address and time created are now displayed in API key listings
  • Sign up for Confluent Cloud without leaving the CLI
  • Infer default protocol and port number for URLs when logging in
Bug Fixes
  • Deleting a service account now deletes all API keys associated with that service account (cascading deletion)
  • Fix flushing of logs and log processing during CLI startup

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.18.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • Rename Availability values in Kafka cluster descriptions
Bug Fixes
  • Properly show validation errors for connector creation

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.17.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • Use partition count as a signed value with a default of -1 (unspecified)
  • Switch to –config-file for link creation and improve messages
Bug Fixes
  • Fix output for creating schemas
  • Print error message when attempting to delete non-existent ACLs
  • Print ACL to stdout instead of stderr on create
  • Minor documentation/example fixes

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.16.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • Support piping credentials to login commands
Bug Fixes
  • Add more specific digits to price lists
  • Improve behavior when Ctrl+C is pressed during topic consumption when prompting for Schema Registry credentials

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.15.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • Allow producing and consuming with --value-format``s when authenticated using ``ccloud init
Bug Fixes
  • Add missing --cku flag to cloud kafka cluster create example

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.14.0 Release Notes

Bug Fixes
  • Print header message and fix form logic for ccloud kafka cluster create with encryption keys.
  • Allow service account names to be up to 64 characters long.

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.13.1 Release Notes

New Features
  • Change accepted values of value-format flag for ccloud kafka topic produce and ccloud kafka topic consume
Bug Fixes
  • Fix command output bug for commands that were supposed to output to Stdout but were outputting to Stderr

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.13.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • Add command for viewing price list for Confluent Cloud services.
  • Add schema support for producing to and consuming from topics.
Bug Fixes
  • Include required --region flag in ccloud kafka cluster create example.
  • Improve ksqlDB error when incorrect Kafka cluster is specified.
  • Fix grammar and typos in command help and examples.

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.12.1 Release Notes

Bug Fixes
  • Fix success and error message display bug

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.12.0 Release Notes

Bug Fixes
  • Fix formatting of certain error messages
  • Add additional error checks for Kafka cluster readiness
  • Fix parsing of credentials on Windows for login command

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.11.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • Add Bring Your Own Key support
  • Add --deleted flag for Schema Registry subject list and describe commands
  • Add --permanent flag for Schema Registry schema delete command
  • Add --if-not-exists flag to ccloud kafka topic create
  • Store user’s organization ID and name in configuration file
  • Improve error and success messages and add suggestions for commands that don’t succeed
Bug Fixes
  • Keep retrying to validate Schema Registry API key even if credentials are invalid
  • Remove Kafka cluster config and potentially active Kafka cluster setting when a Kafka cluster is deleted
  • Handle errors with loading CLI configuration files and ignore them when configs aren’t needed
  • Respect log output/verbosity levels when loading configuration files
  • Only check for updates once every 24 hours

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.10.0 Release Notes

No changes relating to Confluent Cloud CLI for this version.

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.9.0 Release Notes

Bug Fixes
  • Restrict feedback nudges to fewer commands
  • Skip update check when running the update command

Confluent Cloud CLI v1.8.0 Release Notes

New Features
  • Add type field to ccloud kafka cluster list output
  • Add feedback command so users can give direct in-product feeback
  • Start publishing release notes with each release
Bug Fixes
  • Improve command examples in help output