ccloud kafka acl create


Create a Kafka ACL.

ccloud kafka acl create [flags]


    --allow                     Set the ACL to grant access.
    --deny                      Set the ACL to restrict access to resource.
    --service-account int       REQUIRED: The service account ID.
    --operation stringArray     REQUIRED: Set ACL Operations to: (alter, alter-configs, cluster-action, create, delete, describe, describe-configs, idempotent-write, read, write).
    --cluster-scope             Set the cluster resource. With this option the ACL grants
                                access to the provided operations on the Kafka cluster itself.
    --consumer-group string     Set the Consumer Group resource.
    --prefix                    Set to match all resource names prefixed with this value.
    --topic string              Set the topic resource. With this option the ACL grants the provided
                                operations on the topics that start with that prefix, depending on whether
                                the --prefix option was also passed.
    --transactional-id string   Set the TransactionalID resource.
-o, --output string             Specify the output format as "human", "json", or "yaml". (default "human")

Global Flags

    --cluster string   Kafka cluster ID.
-h, --help             Show help for this command.
-v, --verbose count    Increase verbosity (-v for warn, -vv for info, -vvv for debug, -vvvv for trace).


You can only specify one of these flags per command invocation: cluster, consumer-group, topic, or transactional-id. For example, if you want to specify both consumer-group and topic, you must specify this as two separate commands:

ccloud kafka acl create --allow --service-account 1522 --operation READ --consumer-group java_example_group_1
ccloud kafka acl create --allow --service-account 1522 --operation READ --topic '*'

See Also