Docker Security

Confluent Platform supports cluster encryption and authentication, including a mix of authenticated and unauthenticated, and encrypted and non-encrypted clients. Using security is optional. These security features are supported on the Confluent Platform Docker images:

Component Tests
Confluent Control Center HTTPS
Kafka Connect None
Schema Registry HTTPS
ZooKeeper SASL
Managing secrets
When you enable security for the Confluent Platform, you must pass secrets (e.g., credentials, certificates, keytabs, Kerberos config etc.) to the container. The images handle this by expecting the credentials to be available in the secrets directory. The containers specify a Docker volume for secrets and expect the admin to map it to a directory on the host which contains the required secrets.

For details on the available security features in Confluent Platform, see the Confluent Platform Security Overview Documentation.

For tutorials on using SSL in the Confluent Platform, see Confluent Platform Demo (cp-demo).

Audit logging
For details about how to configure audit logging in Docker containers, refer to Configuring audit logs in Docker.