Audit Logs for Confluent Cloud


This feature is available as a preview feature. A preview feature is a component of Confluent Cloud that is being introduced to gain early feedback from developers. This feature can be used for evaluation and non-production testing purposes or to provide feedback to Confluent.

Audit logs provide a way to capture, protect, and preserve Kafka authentication and authorization activity into topics in Kafka clusters on Confluent Cloud. Specifically, audit logs record the runtime decisions of the permission checks that occur as users and service accounts connect to clusters and attempt to take actions that are protected by ACLs.

Each auditable event includes information about who tried to do what, when they tried, and whether or not the system gave permission to proceed.

The primary value of audit logs is that they provide data you can use to assess security risks in your Confluent Cloud clusters. They contain all of the information necessary to follow a user’s interaction with your Confluent Cloud clusters, and provide a way to:

  • Track user and application access
  • Identify abnormal behavior and anomalies
  • Proactively monitor and resolve security risks

Within Confluent Cloud, all audit log messages from your clusters are retained for seven days on an independent cluster. Users cannot modify, delete, nor produce messages directly to the audit log topic, and to consume the messages, users must have an API key specific to the audit log cluster.


Kafka client
You can use any Kafka Clients (for example, Confluent CLI, C/C++, or Java) to consume from the Confluent Cloud audit log topic as long as it supports SASL authentication. Thus, any prerequisites are specific to the Kafka client you use. For details about configuring Confluent Cloud clients, see Configure Confluent Cloud Clients.
Consume configuration
Confluent Cloud provides a configuration you can copy and paste into your Kafka client of choice. This configuration allows you to connect to the audit log cluster and consume from the audit log topic.
Cluster type
Only Confluent Cloud dedicated clusters support audit logs.

Auditable events

Confluent Cloud audit logs include two kinds of events: authentication events that are sent when a client connects to a Kafka cluster, and authorization events that are sent when the Kafka cluster checks to verify whether or not a client is allowed to take an action.


Users may attempt to authorize a task solely to find out if they can perform the task, but not follow through with it. In these instances, the authorization is still captured in the audit log.

Confluent Cloud audit logs capture the following events:

Event name Description
kafka.AlterConfigs A Kafka configuration is being altered/updated.
kafka.Authentication A client has connected to the Kafka cluster using an API key or token.
kafka.CreateAcls A Kafka broker ACL is being created.
kafka.CreatePartitions Partitions are being added to a topic.
kafka.CreateTopics A topic is being created.
kafka.DeleteAcls A Kafka broker ACL is being deleted.
kafka.DeleteGroups A Kafka group is being deleted.
kafka.DeleteRecords A Kafka record is being deleted.
kafka.DeleteTopics A Kafka topic is being deleted.
kafka.IncrementalAlterConfigs A dynamic configuration of a Kafka broker is being altered.
kafka.OffsetDelete A committed offset for a partition in a consumer group is being deleted.

All Confluent Cloud audit log messages are captured in the audit log topic, confluent-audit-log-events.

The following example shows an authentication event that was sent when service account 306343 used the API Key MAIDSRFG53RXYTKR to connect to the Kafka cluster lkc-6k8r8q:

    "id": "29ca0e51-fdcd-44bd-a393-43193432b614",
    "source": "crn:///kafka=lkc-6k8r8q",
    "specversion": "1.0",
    "type": "io.confluent.kafka.server/authentication",
    "datacontenttype": "application/json",
    "subject": "crn:///kafka=lkc-6k8r8q",
    "time": "2020-12-28T22:41:43.395Z",
    "data": {
        "serviceName": "crn:///kafka=lkc-6k8r8q",
        "methodName": "kafka.Authentication",
        "resourceName": "crn:///kafka=lkc-6k8r8q",
        "authenticationInfo": {
            "principal": "User:306343",
            "metadata": {
                "mechanism": "SASL_SSL/PLAIN",
                "identifier": "MAIDSRFG53RXYTKR"
        "result": {
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "message": ""

Audit log content

The following example shows the content of an audit log message that was triggered by an authorization event when user 269915 tried to create an ACL on Kafka cluster lkc-6k8r8q, and was allowed to do so because as a super user, they had the Alter Cluster permission:

    "id": "7908ccba-dfc0-42cc-825a-efb329b8c40c",
    "source": "crn:///kafka=lkc-6k8r8q",
    "specversion": "1.0",
    "type": "io.confluent.kafka.server/authorization",
    "datacontenttype": "application/json",
    "subject": "crn:///kafka=lkc-6k8r8q",
    "time": "2020-12-28T22:39:13.680Z",
    "data": {
        "serviceName": "crn:///kafka=lkc-6k8r8q",
        "methodName": "kafka.CreateAcls",
        "resourceName": "crn:///kafka=lkc-6k8r8q",
        "authenticationInfo": {
            "principal": "User:269915"
        "authorizationInfo": {
            "granted": true,
            "operation": "Alter",
            "resourceType": "Cluster",
            "resourceName": "kafka-cluster",
            "patternType": "LITERAL",
            "superUserAuthorization": true

Configuring Confluent Cloud audit logging

Because audit logging is enabled by default (for dedicated clusters only), the only configuration task required is to consume from the audit log topic.


The audit log topic is created when the first auditable event occurs.

Consume with CLI

  1. Log in to your Confluent Cloud organization using the Confluent Cloud CLI.

    ccloud login
  2. Run audit-log describe to identify which resources to use.

    ccloud audit-log describe
     | Cluster         | lkc-yokxv6                 |
     | Environment     | env-x11xz                  |
     | Service Account |                     292163 |
     | Topic Name      | confluent-audit-log-events |
  3. Specify the environment and cluster to use (using the data that you retrieved in the previous step).

    ccloud environment use env-x11xz
    ccloud kafka cluster use lkc-yokxv6
  4. If you have an existing API key and secret for audit logs, you can use them as shown here:

    ccloud api-key store <API_KEY> <SECRET> --resource lkc-yokxv6


    There is a limit of 2 API keys per audit log cluster. For details about creating, editing, and deleting API keys, refer to API Keys.

    Otherwise, create a new API key. Save the API key and secret.

    ccloud api-key create --service-account 292163 --resource lkc-yokxv6
    ccloud api-key use <API_KEY> --resource lkc-yokxv6


    Be sure to save the API key and secret. The secret is not retrievable later.

  5. Consume audit log events from the audit log topic.

    ccloud kafka topic consume -b confluent-audit-log-events

    Refer to ccloud kafka topic consume for details about the flags you can use with this command.

To view the API keys that exist for the audit log cluster:

ccloud api-key list --resource lkc-yokxv6

To delete an API key:

ccloud api-key delete NFHU56EJVPMXC6HC

New connections using a deleted API key are not be allowed. You can rotate keys by creating a new key, configuring your clients to use the new key, and then deleting the old one.

Consume with Java

  1. Sign in to Confluent Cloud at

  2. Navigate to ADMINISTRATION -> Audit log.

  3. On the Audit log page, click the Consume with Java tab.

  4. Copy and paste the provided configuration into your client.

  5. If necessary, click Create Kafka cluster API key & secret to create a key/secret pair for your Kafka cluster.

  6. Start and connect to the Java client.

Consume with C/C++

  1. Sign in to Confluent Cloud at

  2. Navigate to ADMINISTRATION -> Audit log.

  3. On the Audit log page, click the Consume with C/C++ tab.

  4. Copy and paste the provided configuration into your client.

  5. If necessary, click Create Kafka cluster API key & secret to create a key/secret pair for your Kafka cluster.

  6. Start and connect to the C/C++ client.