Managing Topics in Confluent Cloud

You can create, edit, and delete Apache Kafka® topics using the Confluent Cloud interface. The topics are grouped by cluster within each environment.


When private networking is enabled, some Confluent Cloud web UI components including topic management use cluster endpoints that are not publicly reachable. You must configure your network to route requests for these components over the private connection. If you’re using VPC peering, see Configuring Access to the Confluent Cloud Web UI with VPC peering for details. If you’re using AWS PrivateLink or Azure Private Link, see Configuring Access to the Confluent Cloud Web UI with AWS and Azure Private Link for details.

Create a Topic

  1. If you have more than one environment, select an environment.

  2. Select a cluster from the navigation bar.

  3. Click the Topics cluster submenu. The Topics page appears.

  4. If there aren’t any topics created yet, click Create topic. Otherwise, click Add a topic.

    Create topic page Confluent Cloud
  5. Specify your topic details and click Create with defaults. For advanced topic settings, click Customize settings.


    For a description of the default Kafka broker configuration settings in Confluent Cloud, see the Confluent Cloud Broker and Topic Configuration Settings.

    Create topic with defaults page Confluent Cloud

Edit a Topic

  1. If you have more than one environment, select an environment.

  2. Select a cluster from the navigation bar.

  3. Click the Topics cluster submenu.

  4. Click the topic name link.

    Topics page Confluent Cloud
  5. Click Edit settings.

    Edit topic settings access in Confluent Cloud
  6. Make your changes and click Save changes. By default, only the most commonly modified settings are shown. For advanced settings, click Switch to expert mode.


    Some topic configuration parameters are not configurable through this interface. These unmodifiable parameters display a lock symbol (lock) next to them. They cannot be changed in either default or expert mode.

    Edit topic settings in Confluent Cloud

    The following table lists available parameters in alphabetical order and indicates whether they can be edited.

    Parameter Configurable
    cleanup.policy Yes
    cluster Yes
    compression.type No Yes No
    flush.messages No No
    follower.replication.throttled.replicas No
    index.interval.bytes No
    leader.replication.throttled.replicas No
    max.message.bytes Yes
    message.format.version No
    message.downconversion.enable No Yes
    message.timestamp.type Yes
    min.cleanable.dirty.ratio No Yes
    min.insync.replicas No
    name No
    partitions No
    preallocate No
    producer Yes
    replication.factor No
    retention.bytes Yes Yes
    segment.bytes Yes
    segment.index.bytes No No Yes
    tier.enable No
    unclean.leader.election.enable No

Delete a Topic

When you request to delete a topic, the topic is marked for deletion. The topic is not deleted immediately unless it is devoid of data, such as a newly created topic. In the interim, you cannot recreate a topic with the same name as the topic being deleted until the original topic and its data is finished being deleted.


To delete a topic with the Cloud CLI, see ccloud kafka topic delete.

Follow these steps to delete a topic using the GUI:

  1. If you have more than one environment, select an environment.
  2. Select a cluster from the navigation bar.
  3. Click the Topics cluster submenu. The Topics page appears.
  4. Click the topic name link. The Configuration page appears.
  5. Click Edit settings -> Delete topic.
  6. Confirm the topic deletion by typing the topic name and click Continue.