Upgrade Policy for Confluent Cloud

This section describes how changes to Confluent Cloud are managed for Minor Upgrades for Confluent Cloud, Major Upgrades for Confluent Cloud, and Deprecations for Confluent Cloud.

Minor Upgrades for Confluent Cloud

Any change to Confluent Cloud services that isn’t a major upgrade or deprecation.

Potential customer impact
  • Minimal: standard Kafka state changes that clients handle gracefully, for example leader elections.
  • None: totally transparent, depending on customer usage of the service.
  • Kafka cluster roll.
  • Upgrading Kafka to a fully backwards-compatible version.
  • Adding new features.
Very often, e.g., multiple times per day.
Communication before the change
May include email notifications, in-app messaging, updated documentation and release notes, and/or communication from Sales and customer operations.
Timing of the change for each customer
100% at Confluent’s discretion.

Major Upgrades for Confluent Cloud

Any change to Confluent Cloud services that requires code changes to any customer applications (Kafka clients, API integrations, etc) to continue working as before.

Potential customer impact
  • Large: could prevent use of service without code or configuration changes, or could problematically alter the performance profile.
  • None: totally transparent, depending on customer usage of the service.
  • Upgrading Kafka to a version that is not fully backwards-compatible with the previous version.
  • Updating a public API from api/v1/foo to api/v2/foo.
  • Security update that materially changes cluster or client throughput.
Rare (~1 per year)
Communication before the change
  • Guaranteed: multiple email notifications to all registered Confluent Cloud users, starting at least 180 days before the upgrade date, with details about the change and available options.
  • May also include: in-app messaging; updated documentation and release notes; communication from Sales and customer support.
Timing of the change for each customer
May be coordinated with customers to avoid high-risk times and make the upgrade sooner, but the final date set by Confluent is not negotiable.

Deprecations for Confluent Cloud

Any removal of customer-usable functionality from Confluent Cloud services.

Potential customer impact
  • Large: could prevent use of service if the customer relies on the feature.
  • None: totally transparent, depending on customer usage of the service.
  • Complete removal of a feature from the UI.
  • Shutting down api/v1/foo.
  • Removing a particular Connector as an option.
Rare (~1 per year)
Communication before the change
  • Guaranteed: multiple email notifications to all registered Confluent Cloud users, starting at least 180 days before the deprecation date, with details about the change and available alternatives.
  • May also include: in-app messaging; updated documentation and release notes; communication from Sales and customer support.
Timing of the change for each customer
100% at Confluent’s discretion.
Deprecations may be part of major upgrades (no guarantee of equivalent functionality in new versions).