Confluent Cloud Environments

You can use the Confluent Cloud UI to manage environments for your organization.


You can also manage environments using the ccloud environment Confluent Cloud CLI command.

Confluent Cloud automatically creates a default environment for an organization. To select an environment, click on its panel. Each panel shows the number of clusters within the environment, and provides links to edit or delete the environment. The name of the environment you are currently in is displayed in the banner bar:

Confluent Cloud Environment Indicator

An environment contains Kafka clusters and deployed components such as Connect, ksqlDB, and Schema Registry. You can define multiple environments for Confluent Cloud. There is no charge for creating or using additional environments. Each environment can have its own Confluent Cloud Schema Registry instance. There is no enforcement of which Schema Registry the clients of a Kafka cluster must use. For more information on Confluent Cloud Schema Registry, see Working with Schemas.

Group all clusters that should share one Schema Registry in a single environment. Separate development, test, and production environments isolates schema iteration in development from the production Schema Registry. Different departments or teams can also use separate environments to avoid interfering with each other.

You cannot move cluster deployments between environments.

Add an Environment

Follow these instructions to add an environment.

  1. From the Confluent Cloud Administration menu, click Environments.

    Confluent Cloud select Environments
  2. Click Add environment and name your environment.

    Confluent Cloud add Environments

    The environment name must be unique, start and end with alphanumeric characters, can contain hyphens and underscores, but cannot contain spaces.

    Confluent Cloud Edit environment name dialog
  3. Click Create.

You can now create a cluster or try the Quick Start for Apache Kafka using Confluent Cloud.

Update an Environment Name

Follow these instructions to update an environment name.

  1. From the Confluent Cloud Administration menu, click Environments.

    Confluent Cloud select Environments
  2. Click the Edit link in the environment panel and edit the Environment name.

    Edit environment name dialog
  3. Click Save.

Delete an Environment

Follow these instructions to delete an environment. At least one environment is required in every organization, so if you have only one environment left, it cannot be deleted.


When you delete an environment, all clusters (for example, Apache Kafka®, Schema Registry, Connect, ksqlDB) within that environment are deleted.

  1. From the Confluent Cloud Administration menu, click Environments.

    Confluent Cloud select Environments
  2. Click the Delete link in the environment panel.

    Confluent Cloud add Environments
  3. Enter the environment name to confirm deletion and click Continue.

    Confirm environment deletion


    Click the clusters link to view the clusters in the environment that will be deleted.