Confluent Cloud Basics

This topic describes some common Confluent Cloud tasks, such as adding and deleting clusters, changing your password, viewing your billing information, and more.


If you are using Confluent Cloud Enterprise and need to add or delete clusters, contact your account representative.

Monitor Cluster Activity

You can monitor cluster activity and usage from the cluster landing page within each of your environments.

Confluent Cloud Cluster Panels


To configure Control Center to monitor your Confluent Cloud clusters, see Connecting Control Center to Confluent Cloud.

View and Change Cluster Settings

You can view and edit cluster properties in the Cluster settings page Kafka tab. View the cloud type, provider, region, and zone availability details.


Hover on the Cluster ID or Bootstrap server properties to access a Copy to clipboard button for your convenience. Paste these details when you are configuring, running commands, or troubleshooting your cluster.

Confluent Cloud Cluster Settings

Confluent Cloud Cluster settings


You can create and delete API keys using the Kafka API keys tab page and also edit key descriptions. For more information, see Resource-specific API keys for Kafka, Schema Registry, or ksqlDB.

Edit a cluster name

You can edit the cluster name and view the provider, region, zone availability, and other details.


Dedicated cluster names currently cannot be changed.

  1. From the cluster navigation bar, click the cluster name abbreviation and then the Cluster settings menu. The Cluster settings page opens to the Kafka tab.

  2. Click Change settings.

    Confluent Cloud Change Settings
  3. Edit the cluster name in Cluster Name field and click Save. You cannot change any other value.

    Edit cluster name

    You are prompted to confirm the changes.

    Confirm changes dialog

Delete Cluster


Applicable to Confluent Cloud only. If you’re using Confluent Cloud Enterprise, contact your account representative.

  1. From the cluster navigation bar, click the cluster name abbreviation and then the Cluster settings menu. The Cluster settings page opens to the Kafka tab.

  2. Click Change settings.

  3. Click Delete.

    Confluent Cloud Change Settings Delete Cluster

    You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

    Confirm cloud cluster deletion

Install the Confluent Cloud CLI

You can use the Confluent Cloud CLI to administer your Confluent Cloud cluster. The Confluent Cloud CLI is supported for macOS, Microsoft Windows, and Linux operating systems.


  • The Confluent Cloud CLI only supports basic produce or consume operations. For example, you cannot pass in a properties file using the Confluent Cloud CLI. This means you cannot set other configuration properties or produce with keys. For advanced produce or consume operations, use the Confluent CLI confluent local produce and confluent local consume commands with the --cloud --config <path-to-file> flag.
  • The Confluent Cloud CLI requires users to log in with a Confluent Cloud user account.
  • All Confluent Cloud CLI traffic is https.

Scripted installation

Run this command to install the Confluent Cloud CLI. This command creates a bin directory in your designated location (<path-to-directory>/bin). On Windows, an appropriate Linux environment may need to be installed in order to have the curl and sh commands available, such as the Windows Subsystem for Linux.


The CLI installation location must be in your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin).

curl -L --http1.1 | sh -s -- -b /<path-to-directory>/bin

Tarball installation

Download and install the raw binaries by platform.

Next steps

  • Run this command to log in to your Confluent Cloud cluster.

    ccloud login

    Your output should resemble:

    Enter your Confluent credentials:
    Logged in as
    Using environment t118 ("default")
  • Run this command to view your cluster.

    ccloud kafka cluster list

    Your output should resemble:

          Id      |       Name        | Provider |   Region    | Durability | Status
        lkc-emmox | My first cluster  | gcp      | us-central1 | LOW        | UP
        lkc-low0y | My second cluster | gcp      | us-central1 | LOW        | UP
  • Run this command to designate the active cluster.

    ccloud kafka cluster use lkc-emmox
  • Verify installation by typing ccloud in your terminal.


    You should see Confluent Cloud CLI usage information:

    Welcome to the Confluent Cloud CLI
      ccloud [command]
    Available Commands:
      api-key         Manage API keys
      completion      Output shell completion code
      environment     Manage and select ccloud environments
      help            Help about any command
      kafka           Manage Kafka
      login           Login to Confluent Cloud
      logout          Logout of Confluent Cloud
      service-account Manage service accounts
      update          Update ccloud
      version         Print the ccloud version
      -h, --help            help for ccloud
      -v, --verbose count   increase output verbosity
          --version         version for ccloud
  • Connect Confluent Cloud CLI to a Cluster.

Add Users

For information about how to add users, see User Accounts for Confluent Cloud.

Change Password

  1. From the Administration menu, click Settings -> Password.

  2. Enter your Current password, New password, and click Save.

    Change Confluent Cloud password


You can also access the Update password tab by clicking the Users menu -> Your account link.

Your account alternative navigation to change password

View Bill and Organization ID

  1. From the Administration menu, click Billing & payment. The Billing page shows current accrued charges by selected environment and time period (year and month).

    Confluent Cloud Billing page
  2. Click the Payment details & contacts tab to obtain your Cloud Organization ID, edit your billing information, add an address for tax purposes, or claim a Promo Code.

    Confluent Cloud Payment details page

For more information, see the billing page.

Customer Support for Confluent Cloud

See Confluent Cloud support plans for details.