Get Started with Confluent Cloud on the GCP Marketplace with Pay As You Go

This topic shows you how to get up and running using Confluent Cloud on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace.

  • A GCP Marketplace account. You can use Confluent Cloud with your existing GCP billing and credits.
  • To purchase you must be logged in to the GCP Marketplace and your project must be enabled for purchase by your billing administrator.


  1. Navigate to the GCP Marketplace and search for “Apache Kafka® on Confluent Cloud.”

    Selecting Confluent Cloud in Marketplace
  2. Choose Apache Kafka® on Confluent Cloud™ and the purchase page appears.

  3. Click on the Purchase button.


    To purchase you must be logged in to the GCP Marketplace and your project must be enabled for purchase by your billing administrator.

    To pay for Confluent Cloud, GCP has enabled Confluent Consumption Units (CCUs). Each CCU equals $0.0001. Pricing in GCP Marketplace is the same as our direct purchase pricing. For example, if you stream 1 GB of data into a cluster in region us-east1, you would pay $0.11 or the equivalent of 1,100 CCUs.

    Purchasing Confluent Cloud
  4. Choose Confluent Consumption Unit as the pricing option and make sure to select the box that authorizes Google to make this purchase on your behalf.

  5. To enable Confluent Cloud on GCP, click on the Enable button. Enabling Confluent Cloud on GCP can take up to one minute.


    You are not charged until you enable the Confluent Cloud API in GCP.

    Enabling the Confluent Cloud API on GCP
  6. Click on the Manage via Confluent link to start working with Confluent Cloud. This link takes you a sign up page outside of the GCP console.

    Confluent Cloud properly enabled on GCP
  7. Provide the necessary information to sign up for Confluent Cloud.


    After filling in the fields provided, click Submit.

    You should receive an email from Confluent requesting that you verify your email address. After verification, you are automatically logged in as the administrator of the new Confluent Cloud account.


    If you have registered for Confluent Cloud previously, you must use a different email address for registering on Confluent Cloud through the Marketplace.

  8. Click Create cluster to get started.

    Create clusters

Next Steps

Try out the Quick Start for Apache Kafka using Confluent Cloud, which shows you how to use Confluent Cloud to create topics, produce, and consume to a Kafka cluster.

Learn more about the advantages of using Apache Kafka as a service with Confluent Cloud on GCP.